How to raise the rank in CS: GO

Have you noticed that you are stuck at the same level and cannot get over it in any way? Here are some tips that will likely help you advance to the next rank. This is, of course, not a universal solution to all your problems, but it can be a good start.

What to improve?

CS: GO rank system

Silvers and Gold Novas: Try hand-eye coordination and aiming in general. This will help you, for example, the deathmatch mode. Don’t forget to buy armor – this is quite useful, because at this level many people still do not know how to make headshots. If you have little money and you are not on the eco-round, then buy good armor first, and then see what kind of pistol you can afford. Remember, armor is more important than weapons!

Master Guardians (AK’s): You probably already know how to aim at this stage. It is very important to know the cards on which you are playing: where you can slip through, what and when is best to do, places in which you can hide. Study and upgrade the strategy for playing as terrorists, most often this is the weak point – and there you should be confident and play decisively.

Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG): Most people of this rank have problems with positioning. You should explore every corner. In addition, it will not hurt to improve the skill of playing in eco-rounds and generally get acquainted with the methods of saving in CS: GO.

Eagles: Trust your teammates, you are not a silver. It can be difficult, because everyone has ups and downs: sometimes you play like a god, and sometimes you think that the place for you is in the Silver. NaToSaphiX made a good video on this topic.

Team play

Teamwork is paramount to winning

Once you reach DMG rank and above, team cohesion begins to play a very large role in the outcome of the round.

At lower ranks, this is not so important, and it is much easier to cope alone or leave everything to teammates. In general, before DMG, you work on yourself and your skill.

It seems that this is what people call “DMG Hell”. They just feel like they’ve been stuck in that rank forever. This is because it doesn’t matter what they improve in their game – it doesn’t take them to the next level.

And, most likely, precisely because they do not pay attention to the most important team game at this stage.

What to do to improve team cohesion

First, sometimes you cannot do anything. Some people are just goats, and this cannot be changed, alas, in any way. Second, buy yourself a microphone and start using it already.

Cheer up your mates and avoid controversy

Have you bought it? Have you connected? Are the teammates adequate? Great, now it looks like you can actually do something. And the best you can do is be kind and cheer up your fellows. Tell them they did a good job when they got it right, and tell them it was a good try if they didn’t succeed. Everyone has bad days. Never – and that means never! – do not start arguing with teammates, do not be a troll and do not feed trolls. Try not to be too emotional – it’s just a game after all. If someone starts bombing or something like that, tell him to calm down, but do not get angry yourself. And if he continues to spread panic, just ignore. Remember, you can always mute that person. And, of course, do not spread the panic yourself – if it does not lower it, it certainly won’t improve overall team cohesion. Well, and there is nothing to say about the mockery of the enemy team – do not pay attention. If you think that some of the opponents are using cheats, just quietly throw a report and continue the game. Big Brother will take care of them. Believe me, cheaters are rare, and if you call your opponent that, it will only give him confidence.

Video: how to raise the rank in CS: GO


To summarize, we’ll just reiterate what we said at the beginning: this isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to all your rank issues. If these tips didn’t help you, then here’s another one – the final one. Each player has weak points that can be improved. So, your task is to find this weak point in yourself. This can be aiming, knowledge of maps, the ability to play in a team, and much more. For example, if you play on de_mirage and do not know any points where it is most profitable to use smoke bombs – find them, at least the most important ones! Playing as terrorists will immediately become much easier. Good luck.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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