How to put square root in Word

Do you know how to write a square root in Word ? You will need it, especially if you are a teacher of mathematics or another subject, or if you simply want to know how to put it in case you need to write it later, you will see that it is quite easy and fast.

This mathematical symbol is probably not going to be used in your day to day, but it is interesting to know how it is inserted in Word because it is likely that you will need to put it at some point and that is done through the equations section of Word.

Through this section, you can add different mathematical formulas without having to go to an online website or other third-party program, Word facilitates this possibility. In this case, it would be enough for you to follow these simple steps to add a square root:

  • Inside Word, click on the “insert” tab and then on the “equation” option .
  • You will see that a small box is inserted in your document, now you just have to go to the equations toolbar and click on one that says “radical” , you can choose several options as you can check (square root, cubic root, etc.) and you will only have to add the numbers that make up the type of square root that you just added.
  • When you’re done, click on some blank space in Word to exit the equation editor and then you can see the square root to the place you want because it has really been inserted as if it were an image.

With a combination of keys

It is possible to add the square root symbol with the keyboard , but it looks like a different symbol because it does not allow adding numbers like the previous option, ideal for if you only want to add what the symbol itself is. That can be done by pressing an easy key combination.

Open Word and press the Alt key without releasing it and then type 8730 one after the other, you will see that the square root is written alone with nothing. As you can see, you can write the square root in several ways in Word, but the first option is much better because it allows you to put parameters.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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