How to put password to a folder or file in MacOS?

Computers, in addition to being an extremely useful tool for working or studying, is a device where you can store private and important information , which it would not be pleasant to share with any other type of person, much less, who are at your disposal. That is why different computer operating systems have implemented tools that allow you to optimize the security and privacy levels of your files without having to resort to strange methods to hide them.

In this opportunity, you will be able to count on the knowledge of one of the best tools for these cases from the comfort of your computer with MacOS.

Have you ever wished to add an extra layer of security to your sensitive files or folders on your Mac? Well, luckily, MacOS provides a simple and efficient way to put a password on a folder or file. In this article, we will guide you through the process of securing your important data with just a few easy steps.

How to put password to a folder or file in MacOS?

Password on folders or documents

Passwords have always been a fundamental method in the privacy of your data and documents on the different devices you have. However, it could be said that this tool remained distant or hidden from the protection of folders and files for some time .

Today, the reality is that you can preserve the confidentiality of the content that you store on your computer, and for this you must follow a series of simple steps.

Previous recommendations

As in any other platform and device you have, the implementation of difficult passwords is recommended : long passwords that have an alphanumeric combination and symbols.

If you want to share your information with someone else, make sure that it is trusted and that this information does not fall into the hands of another person. Finally, try to update the password of your folders or documents from time to time.

How to improve the security of my files?

MacOS computers have more than one tool to establish security parameters of this type on the content that you may have on the computer. Here you will have all the information necessary to successfully carry out all this procedure.

Is disk utility an option?

But of course! In fact, one of the main alternatives to provide a greater degree of security to all that information that you do not want to share. This tool is available from the MacOS X version . Using it is very easy:

  • Using spotlight, search for the “Disk Utility” application.
  • Once the application is open, click on the file tab, go to the “New image” section and, finally, click on the image in the folder.
  • Among the formats that you can find in the image format, it is recommended to select the one for reading or writing.
  • Similarly, in the “Encryption” section, it is recommended to place 128-bit AES, one of the highest security parameters.
  • Create and verify your password. Be sure to take into account the recommendations given above for structuring a strong password.

Other tools available for MacOS

This is not the only channel through which you can protect your files or folders with the implementation of a password. The time has come to explore the rest of the options that may be to your liking.

Protection with Concealer

One of the applications that you can find for your MacOS is Concealer. It has a high security index thanks to its AES encryption with nothing more and nothing less than 256 bits.

It offers a trial period , this application is paid . However, it is an investment that is worth making based on the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of your files.

Espionage 3, part of excellence

With a much higher cost than the first option, this tool is still a viable alternative when it comes to protecting the folders and files of your MacOS. It also offers a free trial period to explore most of its features.

It offers the same 256-bit encryption as Concealer, but among its most outstanding features is the creation of false folders or images, in addition to its integration with spotlight.

Hard decision?

Deciding on one of these applications is not an easy task, but do not worry. Whatever action you take to protect your information, it will be guaranteed. Feel free to put this new knowledge into practice and get the most out of your MacOS tools.

Tips for Strong and Secure Passwords

When setting up a password for a folder or file in MacOS, it’s crucial to choose a strong and secure password to maximize the level of security. Here are some tips for creating a strong password:

  • Use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Avoid using easily guessable information such as your name, birthdate, or common words.
  • Make your password at least 8 characters long, but longer is generally better.
  • Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate strong passwords.
    By following these tips, you can create a robust password that significantly enhances the security of your password-protected folders or files.


Protecting our sensitive data is essential in today’s digital landscape. By learning how to put a password on a folder or file in MacOS, we can ensure that our personal and confidential information remains safe and secure. With MacOS’ built-in encryption feature, the process of password-protecting our data is convenient and user-friendly. Remember to choose a strong password and always keep it secure. By taking these steps, you can have peace of mind knowing that your sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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