How to put hashtags on Instagram

Learn how to use hashtags on Instagram to have more visibility among your followers: what they are and what they are for

Let’s see how to put hashtags on Instagram to gain visibility , so that your personal or professional account has more presence among your followers and potential new followers. And it is that hashtags have become very popular among Instagram users, words that serve to index content in the popular social network and that can help us to better position our publications , in order to reach more people. Next, do not miss everything about Instagram hashtags or tags , how to put them, what they are and what they are for.

How to put hashtagas on Instagram

Index of contents

  • What are Instagram hashtags and how do they work?
  • Types of Instagram hashtags
  • How to put hashtags on Instagram
  • Tips to boost your Instagram hashtags

What are Instagram hashtags and how do they work?

Instagram hashtags or tags are words or phrases preceded by the # or pound sign that serve to index publications on the popular social network and that function as if they were hyperlinks, in order to classify content on social networks. They work in the following way: if you click on a certain hashtag, you will browse the publications that share that tag , in order to quickly access publications with similar content or the same topic.

Examples of hashtags:

  • #StarWars
  • #sees it
  • #fuerteventura
  • #friends
  • #Marvel

Actually, we can use any word that occurs to us to associate it with our publications, always using concepts related to the content itself. So, for example, if you are on vacation with friends you can use hashtags such as #vacations, #friendship, # companions, etc., as well as the place where you are, be it a city, a country or a region. For example, if you spend a few days in London, you can use hashtags like #london, #uk, #london, #england, etc.

Types of Instagram hashtags

Each Instagram user can create their own hashtags; the imagination is the own limit of each one. So much so, that there are no types of hashtags or classifications by subject, although we can offer you a list of the most common types of tags .

  • Brands or marketing campaigns| You can use the name of any brand or take advantage of advertising or marketing campaigns to give more strength to your publications.
  • Special dates| You can publish content on specific dates of the year such as #christmas, #parties, #SanValentin, #birthdays, etc.
  • Sporting or cultural events| If you are going to publish content related to sports celebrations, cultural events or television programs, you can use tags such as #ElClasico, #futbol, ​​#Mundial, #JuegosOlimpicos, #Eurovision, etc.
  • Locations| If you are visiting cities or countries around the world, take the opportunity to label your location as #Barcelona, ​​#Madrid, #NYC, # USA, #Paris, etc.
  • Trends| Finally, the tags that work best are related to trends in social networks; Take the opportunity to publish topics related to trending topics and thus reach more public.

How to put hashtags on Instagram

Now that you know what hashtags are and how they work, let’s see how to put these types of tags on Instagram posts. Thus, you can use hashtags in both standard Instagram posts and Stories , but there are certain limits; Thus, for standard publications the maximum number of tags in the feed is 30 , while in Stories the limit is 10 . Do not believe recommendations that limit the use of the number of hashtags; According to  Instagram, there is no problem to use 30 tags in a publication.

Follow the steps below to put hashtags on Instagram:

  1. Take or upload a photo or video.
  2. Select the option to add a filter and tap Next(iPhone) or Forward Arrow (Android).
  3. Tap Writea caption or video … and type # followed by text or an emoji (for example, #flower).
  4. Tap Share(iPhone) or Check (Android).

However, there are several conditions when it comes to putting hashtags:

  • If a user whose profile is private tags posts, they will not appear publicly on hashtag pages.
  • Hashtags support numbers. However, they do not allow spaces or special characters, such as $ or%.
  • You can only tag your posts. You cannot tag other people’s photos or videos.
  • You can use a maximum of 30 tags in a post. If you include more than 30 tags in a photo or video, your comment will not be published.
  • If you want to add a hashtag to a post you’ve already uploaded, edit the caption or include your hashtag in a comment on the photo.

Tips to boost your Instagram hashtags

Finally, we offer you several tips that can be very useful when it comes to putting hashtags on your Instagram posts:

  • Try to always use the 30 hashtagsin each post that you want to include those tags.
  • Based on your content and your followers, carry out a study of themost popular keywords and hashtags that can most arouse the interest of the Instagram public.
  • Use combinations of themes for your hashtags and write the most original tagsthat can work; Avoid copying and pasting the same hashtags in your Instagram posts.
  • Interact with users who use hashtags similar to yoursor with the same theme; It is always positive to contact users who have the same interests as you.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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