How to protect digital identity on the Internet effectively?

Your identity is essential in any area of ​​your life, but its importance has a plus on the digital level. In a world in which anyone can not reveal who they are, and even impersonate another, it is important to know the tools to avoid being a victim of fraud or identity theft .

What is my identity risk on the network?

At the communicational level, cases of identity theft are increasingly common . Favorite target? Social networks.

But to make your identity as secure as possible, in this article you will have a series of tools and tips that will help you avoid such an unpleasant and uncomfortable situation .

The use of social networks

As noted above, social networks are the main objective of people who like to appropriate the identity of others.

This happens, especially, with those people who maintain a regular activity, although many do not skimp on details: it may be a person who uploads many photos or videos but who does not have much interaction with other users, or people with a high rate of interaction, no one is safe.

What can happen?

The phishing is a very sensitive issue. Many times, your identity can be used in a social network simply to have a greater degree of interaction with other people.

But it could also be linked to other situations: from something as simple as interacting with other people through a fake profile, simply using your image and name to attract more people on a social network, to something much more serious such as that there are links to cases of scams, harassment or harassment.

Protecting your identity

To reinforce the security levels in the profile of your favorite social networks, there are a series of useful tips that could help you ensure that your data is perfectly protected. Do you want to know what they are?

Rational use of a social network

This first tip is essential. It has been insisted, throughout this writing, that social networks (such as Facebook ) are the main objective of people who may be seeking to impersonate the identity of another.

The main risk is run by those people who post too much content about their day-to-day life and maintain a public profile . In this situation, the moderate use of a profile is advised, use it for its essential purpose and nothing much beyond that.

Who can see what you post?

However, if you are too a fan of social networks and want to share everything you do at all times … at least make sure who you share your content with .

For this, many social networks have adopted the alternative of private profiles. In them, you can choose who can or not see everything you post, giving you greater peace of mind, sharing content only with those you know.

Don’t forget to log out!

Adopting the aforementioned measures would be of no use if, when using a foreign computer, you leave your session of any social network open. And believe it or not, it is one of the main reasons for identity theft.

This gives you the opportunity for anyone else to log in and use your profile in a way that could end up doing you considerable harm.

Check the security of a site

Much has been said about networking, but the truth is that almost any website can be unsafe. You should check the security of sites that request personal information, such as that of banks.

The best way to know how secure a web platform can be is through the “https” protocol . With this element present, it will be very difficult for someone to hack the platform and obtain the data you provide.

Privacy tools

Explore the different tools to optimize the level of privacy of your profile. Different social networks, in each update, implement important news in this regard.

What are you waiting to update and secure your profile?

Safety first and foremost and on any plane. When it comes to your identity and your reputation, no measure hurts, especially on the web. Wait no more and optimize the security of your profile with these useful tips.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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