How to Play Split Screen Minecraft

Undoubtedly the games that we have at hand are of a wide spectrum, compared to previous years, now there are many more options of types of game and gameplay, but some that are now a trend did not leave behind some gameplay options that They come from previous ideas and games that helped us enjoy various features and entertainment.

In the Minecraft  game, it is allowed, if you have the correct devices and meet some characteristics, to divide the screen in two to be able to play with a single console with two PCs, if it were in a local area connection we are talking about several network consoles.

Here you will see some conditions that must be taken into account so that you can make use of this form of split screen and we will also tell you why sometimes it is not possible to divide the screen

Index(  )

  1. What are the requirements to play split screen Minecraft?
  2. What steps should you take to split the screen in your Minecraft game?
    1. From your game installed on your computer
    2. Directly from your console
  3. Why can’t you divide the screen of your Minecraft game effectively?

What are the requirements to play split screen Minecraft?

First we are going to see what are the requirements to be able to divide the screen in Minecraft, there are some restrictions that if so, this screen division cannot be done. Here we will explain what the minimum requirements are for this configuration to take effect.

The first thing we should know is that Minecraft allows dividing the screen only on Nintendo Switch, Xbox and Playstation . What it means if you try to divide the screen of the PC can not be done, since the execution processes are very different, another thing is that you must have a screen that supports at least 720p if it is more better. This should connect the console with the display using an HDMI or RGB cable.

What steps should you take to split the screen in your Minecraft game?

Once you get or buy Minecraft, the first thing to do is synchronize the console with your screen regarding the resolution, otherwise the screen will not be divided. To synchronize the two parts, both the output and the input, you must do the following

First you must configure your screen and make sure it is in a resolution that is 720p and up. Let’s say it is 720p now we must go to the console and set it to this same resolution. This is accomplished in the following way. To configure the output of your console you must go to configuration> System> Console configuration> screen. Now we select 720p and in this way they will be synchronized in the resolution

From your game installed on your computer

Now we must know that this procedure is not available to achieve it from our PC, this may be because it is very complex and is designed only for consoles that are specialized only in processing the game and all its functions.

So we already know that it is not possible to divide the screen from a computer to be able to play Minecraft with two accounts at the same time, thinking that the data processing for two working accounts would be very extensive for a single PC. Nor will it matter much if you decide to clean and speed up your PC even more , since in this case it will not improve its performance much.

Directly from your console

Now to divide the screen from our console, for this we must start in Minecraft and then we go to Playgame> Create new world> in the next window remove the online game option then we press the start button of the controller on your console, now we select the account from the other player and when they log in they will automatically join this can be done with up to three other people.

Why can’t you divide the screen of your Minecraft game effectively?

This will surely happen to you because some of the requirements or necessary configurations to do it are not correct, now, it does not go too much to make sure that the cables involved in transferring the data of the game images are correct . Synchronization is essential in these cases because it cannot be achieved in any way if the video output of the console is not in synchronicity with the resolution of the screen that you are using to play.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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