How To Plant Mango Tree;Step By Step Guide

How To Plant Mango Tree.Mango is a plant that grows up to 30 meters in height, with a 6 meter crown. It has some advantages over other exotic plants such as avocado in terms of resistance and water requirements. So .why not plant mango? To plant them, just follow this step by step:

How To Plant Mango Tree;Step By Step Guide

  1. The first thing to do is the planting hole, which is recommended to measure 1m x 1m, although it may be smaller if the soil is well drained.
  2. The soil is then mixed with 30% perlite and 10% organic fertilizer.
  3. Once done, the hole is filled with the mixture enough so that the tree is more or less at ground level.
  4. Then the tree is planted, and filling is complete.
  5. Finally, a tree pit is made so that the water stays on the plant, and it is watered.

If we live in an area where the wind blows regularly, it is highly advisable to put a tutor on it so that it can grow upright.

Do you have mangoes in your garden?

You have to take something into account, and that is that the cultivation of mango in the garden has to be separated from the rest of the trees, since it is very competitive, and sometimes, when it is arranged next to another tree, instead of rejecting the areas of Shade generated by another tree produces large branches to compete for that space, forcing the other tree to lean.

How To Plant Mango Tree;Step By Step Guide


In terms of heat there is no problem since the mango inhabits tropical areas or temperate climates . An average annual temperature of 20-25º C is ideal to achieve the best results in mango cultivation. As for the cold, it must be borne in mind that it does not withstand bad conditions as avocado would and they cannot withstand sub-zero temperatures, if they last for a long time.


Mango can inhabit different soil structures (sandy, clayey, silty …) as long as some requirements are met. These requirements are to have a soil with good drainage ( if it is bad, solve it here ) and soil with depth for the correct development of its roots. A measurement for that depth can be between 80 cm and 1 meter.


To cover the nutritional needs of the mango, we can periodically apply compost around the trunk, which will gradually leach with irrigation. As for mineral fertilizers, you can choose complete NPK with a higher content of potassium, potassium sulfate, lime superphosphate or ammonium sulfate. 

4.- Characteristics of irrigation in mango cultivation

As we have said before, mango cultivation requires less water than avocado cultivation . The conditions of the tree mean that they require a greater quantity of water at the beginning of their plantation and at least it is necessary to be constant with the irrigation during the first 2 years. From here and once the mango is grown, it endures dry seasons well.

If we want the greater development of the fruits we will have to water periodically and not allow dry seasons in the tree (which although it can bear it is not optimal). It is necessary to repeat the irrigation in the hot season and when flowering begins and the first weeks of fruiting. He considers that the mango has a lot of water and it must be given easily.


Like many other fruit trees, you have to resort to grafting to get the best productions. An option is the bud, approach or gusset graft, which can be done in spring or summer . It is quite complicated, so we can help ourselves with a good graft book . When we want to produce a new mango plant we can resort to the seed, in which we must remove the pod. A special requirement for the germination of mango seed is that it has a good temperature. We can plant it in a pot between June and July and cover it with a plastic bag or a glass, or in a plastic bag directly, preferably black. When choosing the substrate It must be one that has light characteristics and we must mix it with peat (half and half). eye! We cannot wait long from when we extract the seed until we plant it since it does not keep for a long time.


Climate: average annual temperatures of 20-25 ºC. It does not tolerate cold.

Soil: deep and well drained

Fertilizer : rich in potassium and apply periodically.

Irrigation:  important irrigations at the beginning of the plantation, in fruiting and first weeks of flowering.

Propagation : grafting (difficult), germination with seed in light substrate and with peat.

With this we can already venture into mango cultivation. Good luck!

by Abdullah Sam
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