The avocado is fashionable and reasons not spare you, because it is a fruit with high nutritional value.

Avocado is proven to help control cholesterol levels. Also, due to its high amount of fiber , it can satiate the appetite and helps improve constipation. In addition to this, it has detoxifying properties that allow you to control blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it is a food that you should include in your diet periodically and for this, what better way than to grow it yourself? In addition to making sure you always have avocados at home, you will be helping to improve the environment. It is a rewarding activity and so simple that you can do it together with your children. We tell you how!

What to do to plant an avocado?

  • The first thing you have to do is clean the bone well . Remove any remaining avocado without removing the skin that covers it.
  • Locate the top and bottom of the bone . This is important when planting it in the correct position, since the roots will come out from the bottom and the stems from the top. One trick to distinguish them is that the top is slightly pointed. Locate above and below.
  • Take 4 toothpicks and insert them into the bone . This will allow you to hold the bone in a glass that is half full and only the bottom part is submerged.
  • Use a clear glass. Thus, you can monitor the growth of the roots and to know when the water is dirty. Ideally, change it every 5 days or every week.
  • The avocado plant grows very fast. Between the first 2 and 4 weeks you will begin to see the first changes in the bone. And around the next 8 weeks, the shoots will grow. You will notice that the top is drying and a crack will appear. At the bottom the roots will emerge, one of them will be larger than the others, never let it run out of water.
  • When the stem has grown 17-20 cm, cut it back to about 9 cm. This will encourage the plant to keep growing.
  • When the stem grows back to almost 8 inches, change the plant to a pot . Remember to leave the top half of the bone uncovered.
  • To grow, the avocado plant needs a lot of sun, so you have to find a space with lots of light and heat . It also needs a lot of water , so water it frequently. Of course, the earth does not have to be drowned. If the leaves start to turn yellow (a sign of excess water), let the plant dry for a few days.

In summer, the plant can stay in the garden, but if in winter the temperature drops below 7 ºC, bring it home.

If you liked the experience, you can repeat it by germinating several bones at the same time, in this way trees will grow that over time can pollinate each other.

And now that you know how good it is to eat avocado and how easy it is to grow it, how about learning how to make this delicious and nutritious salmon and avocado tartare recipe ?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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