How To Motivate A Student To Learn. Discover effective strategies and techniques to motivate your students to learn. Create an engaging learning environment and provide relevant.
How To Motivate A Student To Learn
Psychologists say that when learning, motive is 2.5–3 times more important than intelligence. In theory, motivation is a person’s motivation to perform conscious or unconscious actions, the ability to actively satisfy one’s needs and achieve a set goal. In fact, it is perseverance and determination, without which not a single goal can be achieved.
How to motivate a child to study if he doesn’t want to study, doesn’t do his homework, is often distracted in class, and isn’t worried about his progress? When he associates class and school with psychological discomfort, anxiety, and boredom, no incentives will help . There may be several reasons for the lack of educational motivation in teaching.
- The baby is simply not prepared for school. His parents believe that he is precocious and has a broad outlook. However, a first-grader may not be psychologically ready to obey the school routine and cannot sit calmly in class or listen to the teacher. In this case, perhaps he should stay in kindergarten for another year.
- The reason for poor performance may be conflicts with the teacher or schoolmates. Understand the situation and try to change it. If this is not possible, homeschooling may be your best option. Psychologically, it is much more comfortable than studying in large classes. The reason for the lack of desire to go to school may be physical characteristics. Children often tease those who stand out from the crowd. Switching to an online school will help alleviate the problem at least for a period until the baby grows up and is psychologically formed.
- It happens that the desire to study is discouraged by the exorbitant ambitions of parents. Some people scold their children for bringing home B grades instead of A grades. Then the child develops low self-esteem and considers himself incapable of learning better. The emotional connection with parents disappears. Others enroll their child in several clubs at the same time, without asking if he wants to attend them. As a result, the student does not live up to expectations and studies much worse than he could have if he had not been hampered by excessive demands from his family.
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Academic motivation in teaching – individual approach
Children perceive new information in different ways: some visually, others auditorily. Depending on this, it is preferable for one student to read the textbook in order to learn the lesson, and for another to listen to the teacher’s explanations and repeat the task out loud at home. Some have a penchant for the exact sciences, others are pronounced humanists, others find it boring to study because they grasp everything on the fly, while others need more time and effort to understand new material.
When difficulties accumulate, the student simply loses interest , without which even the most brilliant teacher will not be able to convey knowledge properly. Unfortunately, the general education school curriculum is designed for the average student and does not take these nuances into account. Let’s think about how we can unobtrusively, without pressure, increase motivation to study.
Ways to increase learning motivation
Let’s show an example
Remember your school days and share your experience. What specifically interested you most about the age your son or daughter is now? Tell us what difficulties you faced and how you overcame them. The student needs to feel that he is not alone in his experiences.
Look around at those around you. Using the example of people who have achieved a lot in life, explain to your child in an accessible form that success and well-being do not come by themselves. To do this, you need to try very hard; you can achieve the same results only thanks to the knowledge gained.
Setting a goal
A timely and correctly set goal stimulates perseverance and inspires, increasing self-esteem. Divide your goals into long-term (long-term) and short-term. Highlight the most attractive in each category. Place an emotional emphasis on intermediate results, this will help increase the desire to study and focus on the final result.
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Emotional, like material, reward is the driving mechanism, the most powerful incentive to action. Receiving an award leads to satisfaction, an understanding that everything done was not in vain. And the more work expended, the sweeter the success. This is how the idea of a positive factor in the result of hard work is fixed in the mind. Positive emotions will spur you to further work, and you won’t be sorry to spend more energy and time on your next goal.
The carrot method is much more effective than the stick incentive. Systematic punishments and forcing them to do homework will have the opposite effect. This is especially true for primary school children. Psychologists recommend choosing something for your child that he will certainly be happy about. It’s a good idea to discuss in advance what the gift will be. You should not encourage him in the process of achieving results. And of course, in case of failure there should be no talk of reward.
The more difficult the goal and the more effort spent on it, the more significant the encouragement should be. Emerging progress and higher grades in a quarter are a reason for encouragement. What can serve as a reward is up to everyone to decide for themselves.
But don’t shower your child with gifts for any reason. The process of gaining knowledge and good grades will lose their importance.
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Undoubtedly, this is one of the best motivations. It is impossible to love all school subjects equally. But if some of them (or even one) are of interest to the student, this will significantly increase the efficiency of the process of acquiring knowledge in all subjects. Innovative technologies, non-standard presentation of educational material, and thematic excursions help to captivate students. In the lower grades, a game form of learning is practiced.
Passion for a subject largely depends on how clearly the teacher explains the material being studied. But the role of parents here is far from the last. If you together visit theater performances, museums, exhibitions, and interactive platforms that are appropriate for your child’s age, such events broaden his horizons.
If older children believe that they have decided on their future specialization, then they often begin to ignore non-core subjects. It is important to explain that this is an error that can lead to unpredictable results in the future. After all, every subject of the school curriculum is connected with real life. Select examples from everyday life when this or that material studied at school will have practical significance. Find fascinating books and unusual material on the topic you are studying.
Introverted child
We study the issues of upbringing and education of children with an introverted personality type
Those who have been accustomed to setting goals since childhood will find it easier in the future to acquire new knowledge, navigate a rapidly changing world, build a career, become respected and successful. The question is especially relevant for children of transitional age. A teenager may have a weakened desire to learn and an understanding of the need to receive a full education. Correct and sufficient self-motivation:
- increases interest in the educational process;
- improves discipline;
- facilitates understanding and assimilation of new material;
- improves grades in all subjects.
You shouldn’t wait until next Monday to start exercising, look for excuses, cite lack of desire, fatigue, or any other reasons. We need to do this right now. This may temporarily deprive you of comfort, but there will be no reason for laziness. You should not expect that the problem will disappear overnight – over time, the brain adapts, and less and less effort will be required to force itself. Perhaps the very first small victory over oneself will be a harbinger of further takeoff. Moreover, studying at school does not take so much time.
There is such a word – “necessary”. Sometimes, better than any persuasion and tricks on the part of parents, it gives an impetus to starting homework. Children know this very well.
Motivation to study among younger schoolchildren
Fantasize about “astronauts” and “ballerinas”
Try to get your child to think about choosing a profession as early as possible. What does he want to be when he grows up? This is a global goal, towards which it is necessary to move now, gaining knowledge, without which he will not be able to do in the future. Let the choice of profession change as you grow older, the main thing is to understand that it is a shame for a future cosmonaut not to know mathematics, but for a ballerina, knowledge of physics will be useful on stage.
The result you can see now
In the lower grades, children understand more clearly what will happen in a day, in a week. Get your child interested in a task for the near future. For example, getting a good or excellent grade in a given material.
Each goal has its own deadline, which avoids uncertainty. Visualizing the task will make it easier to complete, so it’s better to write it down. It may consist of several stages. Accordingly, each stage is recorded as a separate paragraph and each has its own deadline.
Organization of the workplace and daily routine
Proper organization of the workplace plays an important role in training. A table at which it is comfortable to sit, an ergonomic chair, properly selected lighting, a rack or cabinet for textbooks, notebooks, albums, bright stationery, covers with beautiful pictures, a favorite photo on the wall. External surroundings influence the desire to learn!
During classes at online school and while preparing homework, try to prevent extraneous sounds from distracting you from your studies: close the window, turn off the phone, turn off the TV volume as much as possible.
Don’t put off tasks until later. Nobody knows what will happen next: the electricity will be turned off, the temperature will rise, extra lessons will be assigned, unforeseen matters will appear. But you shouldn’t do everything at once. Overwork decreases the level of concentration. And the motivation to study noticeably suffers from this. It is best to evenly distribute the load and set realistic goals for the student that correspond to his capabilities.
Schoolchildren initially have varying degrees of motivation to learn. Some people are able to motivate themselves quite strongly. Others need outside help. The younger the child, the easier it is to awaken his interest in learning. But you can also find an approach to older children.
The willingness to work, to set more and more new tasks always leads to success. It’s not for nothing that the list of motivations for Harvard students includes the following item: “If you don’t sweat, you don’t earn money.”