How to make infographics in Word

Infographics are a great tool to present any type of information in a summarized, didactic and attractive way. In this sense, Microsoft Word offers all its users the ability to make these infographics, if you still do not know how to use Word for it, do not worry, in the following article we will show you how to make infographics in Word with the best structure?

Index(  )

  1. What is the most important thing to have at the beginning of an infographic?
    1. Short and catchy title
    2. The ‘Body’ of your infographic
  2. How to configure the characteristics of an ‘Infographic’ page?
    1. How to insert images in infographics?
  3. How to choose the best typography for the infographic you are going to create in Word?
    1. add shapes

What is the most important thing to have at the beginning of an infographic?

Regardless of whether you are going to make an infographic on a web page or in Word, you should keep in mind the following points:

Short and catchy title

An important part of an infographic is its title, which should describe the topic to be presented in a simple and concrete way.

In addition to the images , the title is in charge of attracting attention, which is why you should look for a good eye-catching title which should have a fairly visible size. The title should not be very long, it is recommended that it does not exceed 10 words.

The ‘Body’ of your infographic

The body of an infographic is all the text along with the images that this presentation will carry, the information must be direct, concrete and easy to understand. With respect to the images, the infographic needs to have enough of them, since they make the infographic entertaining and striking. The images that this presentation will carry must already be downloaded and stored on the device.

How to configure the characteristics of an ‘Infographic’ page?

Configuring the Word page for a presentation, in this case an infographic, is very simple, below we will tell you how to do it:

  • Legal size on the infographic page: Usually legal size pages are used for infographics because they fit more information. To change the size you must click on the Page Design section, within this section you can find the Size option, click on it and then on the Legal option.
  • Page Address– Word pages are usually vertical, this is the proper address for infographics, however you can use the horizontal page address . To change the direction of the page you must go to the Page Design section, within it you can find the orientation subsection, click on it and select the one you like.
  • Color of the page: you can change the background color of the page where the infographic is located, to do this you must go to the Page Design section, within them you will find the Page Color option, click on it and select the color background you want for your infographic.

How to insert images in infographics?

As you were told before, the images that you are going to use must be downloaded and stored on the computer , so that they can be used, having this clear to insert the images, do the following:

  1. Enter the Word document , go to the Insert section.
  2. In this section you will find the Images option, click on it.
  3. You will be sent to a search window, in it look for the folder where the image is located, select the one you want to add. Enter the images you want by performing the same process.
  4. After doing the above, the image will open on the page where you are making the infographic, move the image with the mousse and place it where you want. To make changes to the images you add, you just have to click on them and then on the Adjust text option,you will be shown a series of design options that you can use.

How to choose the best typography for the infographic you are going to create in Word?

The text of the infographic must stand out, to make it stand out you just have to choose a good font , Word has a great list of them. To know this list you just have to go to the Home section and click on the rectangle that has an arrow, when you do this you will be shown a list of fonts. You can use any of the ones that are shown to you, you just have to click on the one you like.

Keep in mind that infographics must be understood in a simple way, so it is recommended that you do not use thick or calligraphic fonts that make legibility impossible.

add shapes

Word also has a large number of forms, these can be inserted in the infographic page to place text in them, doing this is very simple, you just have to apply the following:

  1. Within Word you should look for the Insert section, click on it
  2. In the Insert section click on the Shapes option. You will be shown the available shapes, to select any of them you just have to click on it, after you select one you will be sent to the infographic page, extend and locate the shape you have selected with the mouse.
  3. To add text to the form you just have to press the left key on it, in the menu that will be shown, press add text, add the text you want. If you want to modify the color of the shape,you just have to press the right key on it and then in the Shape Fill option, select one of the colors that will be shown to you. To modify the color of the text, it is the same procedure, but you must click on the Font Color option to display the color palette.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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