How to make a rope teether for your dog

A new toy is always a good cause for joy for your dog . For this reason, we are going to make a homemade rope teether that, in addition to being novel, will help you vent and will be beneficial to strengthen your jaw.

It is, therefore, a very useful toy that we can do with little expense and quickly.

What materials do we need?

  • Pieces of fabric(old t-shirts or sheets). We can substitute the pieces for strings or ropes, for example, those that are placed on hams or with a similar texture would be very appropriate. Of course, if we use the ham rope, it must be washed previously before working so that it does not give off any odor that encourages the dog to eat it.
  • Scissors

How do we make the rope teether?

The first thing we have to prepare are the fabrics or ropes with which we will make the toy.

1 Prepare fabrics

If we have strings at home or we keep those of the ham, we will only need 3 of 28-30 cm long. On the contrary, if we are going to use scraps of shirts or sheets, we will have to cut about 18 or 21 strips of about 25 cm. If our dog is small, we can reduce the amount to make a bite adapted to its tiny size. In this way, with about 9 strips we will have more than enough.

Better that we opt for bright and strong colors; they will like it more, because it will attract their attention.

2 Stretch and braid

Once we have cut the fabric, we will proceed to stretch each strip as much as we can until we get a kind of thick thread without elasticity.

If we use ropes, we will only have to make an initial knot and braid them. On the other hand, if we have cut strips of old clothes, we will have to make groups of three, which we will join and, after the initial knot, we will braid. All the braids will have to end in another knot so they do not unravel.

3 Join and knot

Next, we will group the small braids and, after joining them with another knot, we will braid them again until we get a thicker and stronger teether . At the end, we will close the teether with another knot.

If we need it to be bigger and wider, we just have to increase the strips in groups of three and braid them to add them to the big braid. Although the idea is that the toy can be bitten easily and helps to strengthen the teeth and jaw of the dog , so it should not be excessively thick.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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