Homemade recipe for your dog

This time we are going to prepare a healthy, nutritious and tasty dish that will delight the most demanding dogs: rice with chicken . In addition, it is a fast and very economical dish, a question that is very important in these times.

What will we need?

  • We can choose white rice, either long or short and round grain, or brown rice. If we choose the latter, we must know that brown rice has a lot of fiber, so it is necessary that we do not abuse this ingredient and that we alternate it with white rice, because it can cause diarrhea in the dog, as well as intestinal discomfort.
  • The ideal is to look for clean parts, without bones or tendons. For this reason, experts recommend using chicken breasts and chopping them up to facilitate cooking.
  • To boil the two ingredients.

How do we prepare this homemade recipe?

We can cook both ingredients separately, that is, cook the rice on one side and the chicken on the other, or even cook the chicken on the grill and then mix everything, but it will be tastier if we cook the rice in the chicken broth. For this reason, the first thing we are going to do is cut the chicken into pieces and cook it in a pot with plenty of water. The pieces have to be a few centimeters, between 1.2 and 2.4 cm, depending on the size of the animal.

Cook the chicken: 15 minutes

The approximate cooking time is about fifteen or twenty minutes. If we choose to cook the breasts whole or use another part of the chicken that contains bones, we will have to leave the meat longer to ensure that it is well cooked and then shred it carefully so that skin, fat or bones do not leak that could be harmful to the animal.

Cook the rice: 20 minutes

We reserve the chicken and strain the broth that has been left over from cooking the meat, because there we will prepare the rice. It must be clean of grease and impurities. Once we have it back in the pot, we will bring it to a boil. Remember that for two and a half cups of broth we will pour one of rice. As soon as the water with the rice boils again, we will lower the heat and let it cook for twenty minutes over low heat so that the rice is just right, neither hard nor overcooked. If we choose brown rice, we will have to leave the rice longer, about 45 minutes, since the grain is harder and needs more time to cook.

Mix and serve!

Once it is cooked, we remove it from the heat, strain it and wait for it to cool. Then we will mix the rice with the chicken and serve a little in the dog’s dish . If you don’t feel bad and you like it, we can add a little more next time.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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