How to log out of Gmail from an iPhone

During the customization of various mobile phones, commonly Android , it is quite usual that we have the need to use an email. This in order to be able to give identity to our devices and also that all those applications and necessary information are placed on said device.

Based on this, iPhone phones usually have an email application which is pre-installed. This application allows you to receive emails directly on your iPhone device . All this in a synchronized way and in real time, so it is impossible for you to miss something.

However, it is quite possible that due to the large number of emails or notifications, you may want to close that account or session so that you do not have to receive these email notifications .

Although it seems an impossible action, because this email gives a certain identity to your cell phone, anything is possible, following a series of steps. Starting by disconnecting said email account to your iPhone account.

Likewise, it is important that you know that at all times when you need to open your email on a public or work computer, it is vital that you always close the session , to avoid theft of your web identity .

In this way you will be protecting your account and your information. Gmail is known as one of the most trusted email services on the Internet, as well as being the most widely used. If what you are looking for is an easy and fast way to log out, here we will leave you a step-by-step guide with which you can log out, on each device in which you have opened your account.

Logging out of Gmail on iPhone and iPad

If you have an iPhone device and you need to close your Gmail session , the safest and most effective way to do it is by deleting said account from the application, so it will no longer be inside your device. However, this is an action that can be remedied simply. In order to carry out this action, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Start by accessing the Gmail application that is inside your mobile phone .
  2. After that, you must press the button that you will see with three horizontal stripes and in the same way select that email account that appears as the main one. In this case, yours will appear.
  3. Immediately, press the Manage accounts button and then go to the Google option.
  4. Click on the account that you need to delete and then click the MORE button
  5. There you will see that the option to Delete account will appear .

And voila, your account will have been almost automatically deleted and you will not have to be bothered by notifications anymore.

How to log out of Android

To begin, you must bear in mind that once you close said email account, all those applications, preferences and settings that you have made and subsequently have been saved in that account, will disappear.

Therefore, you will be closing all those products that are exclusive services of Google, such as Maps or YouTube, and even other applications which, in one way or another, need to be activated through the Google account .

If you are confident with your choice, just follow the steps below:

  1. Inside your Smartphone or even on your tablet , start by accessing the settings.
  2. Once there, you must go to the “Accounts” option, it is in this option where you will be able to see all those accounts that have been linked to the device.
  3. Once you press said option, you must click on the option ” Google “
  4. There you must select the account you want to delete. To delete said account, you just have to press a button at the top that says ” More ” or which, failing that, is an icon with the three vertical dots. When you press it, you just have to choose the option to “Remove account”. And ready. Your gmail account will have been successfully deleted .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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