How to leave WhatsApp groups without anyone knowing

How to leave WhatsApp groups without anyone knowingWhatsApp groups have their good side but they can also be a problem. For example, if you want to get out of one, everyone will know. Or that was before. Things have changed for the better. We tell you how.

As soon as you use WhatsApp, you will soon end up in  one or more WhatsApp groups . That of your friends, that of the family, that of your partner’s friends, that of your children’s school, or your own, that of the university… Come on, I’m not telling you anything new if I talk to you about the problems  that generate so much  whatsapp group. Especially when you’re invited to a group you don’t want to be in. It has happened to all of us at some point. You are there, seeing dozens of messages that do not interest you. But  if you leave or leave  that group, everyone will know about it.

At Facebook they are aware that many people join WhatsApp groups but also want to leave them. And sometimes  it’s convenient that no one knows . Or seen in another way. Seeing messages from  people leaving a group  doesn’t look good. And it can be even annoying. So on Facebook they have put a remedy to leave WhatsApp groups without making noise, in silence.

In the  August updates , WhatsApp incorporates several new features. One of them is to  leave WhatsApp groups  in a more elegant way. To the French Without anyone seeing you leave the group with a public message or notification. Instead, you will leave in silence. Let’s see what this novelty consists of.

Silently exit WhatsApp groups

Until now, in addition to WhatsApp messages and notifications when someone shares something, there were actions that  were notified to all the participants  in a group. Basically the notices of entries and exits of a group. So-and-so has joined the group. Menganito has left the group. In certain WhatsApp groups, leaving and entering is not a problem. But in others yes. Maybe  you don’t want to be in that group  but you don’t want them to know that you’ve left it.

But if you update WhatsApp to its latest version, from now on you will be able to leave WhatsApp groups silently, without the usual notification notifying everyone that you are leaving the group. Only  group administrators will receive the notice . It is not a perfect novelty but it does improve what happened until now.

This option has been added to WhatsApp in its versions for iPhone and Android. If you still don’t see it available, be patient. As it says in the changelog of the updates, “these features will be released over the next few weeks.” It is likely that when you read this, it is already available to you.

Otherwise you don’t need to change anything. Simply, when you want to leave a WhatsApp group, a message will appear indicating that  only the  group  administrators will know that you are leaving the group . Besides, it will give you several options, as was the case until now: archive the group, leave it or cancel the decision.

To leave a WhatsApp group you just have to enter the group, click on the subject or description and, finally, click on  Leave the group > Leave the group . Twice, so you don’t go out by mistake. From  Chats  you can also leave the group by swiping the group name to the left and tapping  More > Leave group .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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