How to leave custom game in Valorant

Valorant is one of the many games similar or similar to Overwatch , without a doubt it is a lot of fun, but it has some problems. Did you start a custom game and can’t quit? Read this guide where we show you how to quit or quit a custom game in Valorant .

Valorant’s custom games

Valorant, like many multiplayer games, provides the ability to create custom games. Custom games can be accessed very easily, simply by clicking on “Play” and then on the “Custom” option .

The basic aspects to configure, contemplate the map, the game mode and finally we find the “Shortcuts” section. The shortcut section refers specifically to the tricks that can be used within games. It is clearly a recommended option if you want to fully customize these games .

The subject of game customization is very extensive, but it is certainly a good way to have fun with friends. Either way, it is well known that there is a relatively common flaw that prohibits exiting custom games.

This can certainly be a bit annoying if you want to play regular games on Valorant. However, there are a few tricks that can help you get out of these games .

Leave a custom game in Valorant

The error code 43 and 29 in Valorant , along with the inability to leave games is common. So if you can’t get out of custom games in Valorant , you can try the following methods.

Try to quit the game from the game

The custom game thing can be a bit annoying, but you need to try the essentials first . We refer to insistently pressing the button “End game phase”.

For this, within the custom game, press the Escape button. At the top left of the screen you will see the option “End game phase” . Press on it insistently, a trick that usually helps to definitively exit the custom game in Valorant.

Close Valorant

It’s not an option everyone wants to get to, but if you can’t get out of custom games for some reason, it’s best to just close the game. You can do it in the conventional way, that is, through the options that Valorant presents to us. However, you can also use the typical Alt + F4 key configuration .

By pressing Alt + F4 you can quit the game without any problem, in fact, this is a forced way to close programs. Because of this, if you ever got stuck playing Valorant, just press Alt + F4.

If for some reason Alt + F4 doesn’t work, you can try starting the task manager . To do this, simply press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del and select “Task Manager”. In the processes section, look for “Valorant.exe” , right click and select “End process / End task”.

Clearly, if you customize the task manager correctly , the process can be even easier, it can also help you with other system tasks.

I wait a while

The issue of custom games in Valorant is a bit annoying, but there is a very simple way you can quit the game. We just mean waiting without doing anything.

When no activity is detected, after a while the Valorant servers will disconnect you from the game . This is not the most efficient way to quit a custom game, but if you plan to take a break, this may help if you don’t want to close the game.

Any of the above options should fix the game bug in custom games. In the event that not, remember that you always have the possibility to download Fortnite , another very entertaining and completely free title that does not have these problems.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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