How to install WhatsApp on iPad

We are going to explain how to install WhatsApp on iPad so that you can use the instant messaging application from the Apple tablet. While we wait for the final arrival of the long-awaited option to use the same WhatsApp account on several devices , we have to figure out how to use it in those that do not have an official application. Especially since Facebook said there would be no iPad app until there is this multi-device compatibility .

We are going to divide this article into two parts. First of all, we are going to explain step by step how to use WhatsApp on the iPad using WhatsApp Web . Then, we will talk to you about those other applications that promise to help you install it, specifically about all the dangers that they pose for those who install them.

How to use WhatsApp on iPad/Using WhatsApp Web on the iPad.

Using WhatsApp Web on the iPad

To use WhatsApp on the iPad, you will have to resort to WhatsApp Web. To configure it, the first step is to enter the WhatsApp web client page , which is . When you do, a QR code will be displayed to link WhatsApp Web with the WhatsApp of your mobile . The process is to use the iPad as if it were a PC , following the same steps but fast, because the QR code expires if it takes time, and you will have to refresh it to generate a new one.

whatsapp i pad

As soon as you open the page and have the QR code on the iPad, go to the WhatsApp app on your mobile. The one where you are logged in. There, go to the WhatsApp Web section , which you access on Android by pressing the icon with the three dots that appears at the top right, and on iOS by clicking on Settings in the bottom bar. In both cases, you will see an option called WhatsApp Web, or WhatsApp Web / Desktop in iOS, and that is where you have to press.

qr code

Here, the QR code scanner will open directly in the event that you do not have WhatsApp linked in any other browser with WhatsApp Web. If you do have it, as you can see in the screenshot, a screen will open with the sessions started. On this screen, tap on Scan QR Code to open the scanner with which to start a new session on the iPad.

qr code whatsapp

When you click on the option, your mobile will become a scanner, and you will have to point the camera at the QR code that you have on the WhatsApp Web page of the iPad . The code has to be inside the box on the mobile screen when you point. Remember that you must do everything quickly, because if it takes too long to point the scanner since you generated the code on the iPad, it may expire and you will have to reload the web to obtain a new code.

whatsapp i pad setup

And that’s it. When you point your mobile to the QR code of the web on the iPad, the application will activate WhatsApp Web and you will be able to use the application from the tablet. All you have to do is ** remember that WhatsApp Web is not an independent client of the mobile , but rather reflects the data you send from your smartphone. This means that you will not be able to move the mobile away from the tablet too much so that the communication is not cut off.

whatsapp ipad

And if you want to have a WhatsApp icon on your desktop as if it were an app , once you have logged into WhatsApp Web, click on the Safari share button. In the menu that opens, click on the Add to home screen option , and you will create a shortcut to the WhatsApp Web on your desktop to access directly whenever you want.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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