Struggling to quit smoking while pregnant;10 Proven Tips

Struggling to quit smoking while pregnant.Pregnancy is a key time to quit smoking. In this article we give you the keys to quit smoking while pregnant.Smoking is a very difficult addiction to quit but if you are pregnant it is even more important to overcome this habit. About 25% of women continue to smoke during pregnancy. This is the most common mistake of expectant mothers. But it is this habit that is one of the most dangerous factors for the fetus.

Struggling to quit smoking while pregnant 10 Solutions For Mothers.

Struggling to quit smoking while pregnant

Trick 1: Be aware of the risks of smoking for your baby:

  • It can cause premature laborwith consequent developmental problems for your baby
  • There is a risk of miscarriage. In other words, your pregnancy is interrupted involuntarily.
  • Vaginal bleeding and placental problems
  • Lowbirth weight of your baby
  • Syndrome sudden deathof the infant

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Trick 2: Throw away cigarettes

Be aware of the dangers it poses for your baby. Make the decision consciously, formalize the decision by throwing the cigarettes in the trash and promise yourself not to smoke again.

In fact, more than half of female smokers quit on their own initiative when they learn they are pregnant. Others need help.

Trick 3: Take medications to quit smoking

Nicotine drugs , lozenges and patches, gum, and sprays are safe when taken under medical supervision . In any case, they will always be safer than smoking cigarettes.

Trick 4: Consult with your gynecologist or family doctor

Consult with your doctor about the existence of specific programs to stop smoking in your autonomous community.

Tip 5: Be honest with yourself and your doctor

About 30% of pregnant women do not tell their gynecologist that they are smokers on either the first or the second visit. It is important that you communicate your addiction as soon as possible to your doctor so that he or she can guide you with the steps to follow.

Tip 6: Write down your reasons for quitting

Write down the reasons why you want to use tobacco ( especially the harmful effects for your baby ). Leave this list in a visible place so that you can reread it and you can add new reasons as they arise. Keeping it in your purse can be a good option. Thus, whenever you are tempted to buy a pack of cigarettes, finding the list will help you remember the reasons why not to do so.

Tip 7: Trust your family and friends

People who look to friends and family for support are more likely to get it.

Trick 8: quit smoking for good

Don’t forget the importance of quitting for good. The harmful effects of tobacco are not limited only to the gestation period. Children exposed to smoke can develop health problems such as infections or asthma . In addition, if you stop smoking it also reduces the risk that your child will be a smoker in the future.

Tip 9: Take care of your surroundings

Try to avoid smoking around you. If the people who live with you find it very difficult not to smoke, agree on what specific space in the house they can do it.

False myths:Struggling to quit smoking while pregnant.

Struggling to quit smoking while pregnant

  • It is better to smoke than not subjecting the fetus to the stress of withdrawal. The stress of quitting tobacco lasts for a couple of weeks. It is a natural reaction of our body that allows it to develop defense mechanisms to adapt to the new situation. There is no clear evidence on the harmful effects of withdrawal syndrome on the fetus. On the other hand, there is clear evidence about the harmful effects of tobacco use during pregnancy.
  • Smoking little does not harm the fetus. Whenever you smoke there is a risk of harm to the baby as the components of tobacco cross the placenta. So you better not smoke.
  • Smoking relaxes. Tobacco is a stimulant drug. What produces a feeling of relaxation is satisfying the urge to smoke. That is, to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome by smoking.

Take advantage of the effort you have made during pregnancy and continue without smoking. You will feel better and remember that by keeping your baby’s environment free of tobacco smoke you can avoid health problems.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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