How to install Gmail in Windows 10

Gmail is one of those applications that has become indispensable, Google’s email service has made our lives easier and that is why the Gmail app is a mandatory app on our mobiles, but what about the desktop version ? Can we install Gmail on Windows 10 ? In a way, yes, and then we ‘ll show you how you can do it.

Gmail does not have an application for Windows 10 or for other desktop operating systems such as MacOS or Linux, but there is a way to install Gmail as a separate application from the browser to be able to access it without opening Google Chrome or your favorite browser.

How to create a new Gmail account

Enable Gmail offline mode

The Gmail offline mode is an option that will be very useful when we activate it, as it will allow us to access our emails locally when we do not have Internet access, to activate the Gmail offline mode follow these steps:

  • Access the Gmail web.
  • Now look for the gear-shaped settings icon.
  • Then click on “See all settings” .
  • In the general tab you will see a sub-tab that says “No connection” , click on it.
  • Now enable the offline mode and now configure how long you want to keep your emails on your computer.
  • With these steps you will have configured access to Gmail offline in such a way that every time you have an Internet connection it will automatically update.

Create Gmail shortcut

Once we have enabled Gmail’s offline mode, the next step will be to create a shortcut that will allow us to have an icon on the desktop of our computer to which we will access our Gmail in a non-browser window, follow these steps :

  • Within Gmail you must press the 3 dots located in the upper right part of the browser.
  • Select “More tools” and then “Create shortcut . 
  • In the next window we will have to select the only option that there is, “Open as window” , automatically a Gmail shortcut will have been created to our desktop.
  • Now if we open the new desktop app we will be accessing Gmail, but without having to open the browser and we will be opening a totally foreign window Google Chrome.
  • If we open the app we will have something as you see in the following image.

Now we know how to unofficially install Gmail in Windows 10 , which is a service that does not have an application, only for mobile devices such as Android and iOS.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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