How to hide or remove table borders in Word

Learn how to hide or remove table borders in Word and create sleek and professional documents effortlessly. Get rid of distracting table borders now!

Microsoft Word tables

It is possible to make tables in Microsoft Word fast and easy . These elements are part of the tools that can be inserted into text documents. A table is a space that includes a series of data inserted in cells and separated by stripes or borders to give it a more logical organization.

Tables allow information to be presented clearly and precisely. In this sense, Word allows us to automate the creation of this tool and modify its structure manually.

How to hide or remove table borders in Word step by step.

Creating a guide in tabular form to hide or remove table borders in Microsoft Word involves a few simple steps. Here’s a tabular guide for this process:

Step Action Description
1 Open your Word document Open the document containing the table.
2 Select the Table Click on the table you want to modify.
3 Go to the “Design” tab In the Table Tools, select the “Design” tab.
4 Locate the “Borders” section Find the “Borders” button in the Table Styles group.
5 Choose “No Border” Click on “Borders” and select “No Border” from the list.
6 Verify the changes Ensure all borders are hidden or removed from the table.

This guide is a straightforward method to hide or remove borders from a table in Microsoft Word. Remember that the interface and options might slightly vary depending on your version of Word, but the general steps remain the same.

The edges of a table are part of the structure of the table. When we create a table in Microsoft Word we can set the number of rows and columns . By default, the software includes all borders. However, it is possible to remove or hide these edges using the procedure that we explain below.

Step 1: Access Microsoft Word

First, you must select “All applications” in the Windows start menu. Locate the “Microsoft Office” folder and click on “Microsoft Word . ” You can also enter the software through the system desktop or by using the “Search” tool by typing the word “Word” (without the quotation marks) in the search box on the start menu.

Step2: Open the document in Microsoft Word

If you created the table before, click on the Word start button and choose the “Open” option. Next, locate the document that includes the table you want to modify . Press the “Open” button for the program to access the content of the file. You can also choose to link Excel tables with Word if you prefer to do the process from a spreadsheet.

Step 3: Modify the table format to hide the borders of a table in Word

Later, drag the cursor to select the part of the table and remove its borders, be it a cell, a group of cells or the entire structure. Also, you can use the “Table” button to choose the section of the table by marking the ends of the cells in order to modify their format.

At the top, you will see a set of tools organized in tabs. Select “Design” and press the down arrow in the “Draw Borders” section. A new window will appear where you must select the “Borders” tab and click “None” in “Type”. Finally, press the “Accept” button.

Another alternative to hide the borders of a table in Word

You can also modify the format of the table from the option “Table styles” . In the “Design” tab, locate the “Borders” button and click the arrow pointing down. Select the last option “Borders and shading”.

A new window will open where you must choose the value “None” and press the “OK” button. In this way, you can hide or remove the borders of a table in Word.

With the simple steps outlined above, you can easily hide or remove table borders in Word. By doing so, you’ll achieve a cleaner, more professional look in your documents, enhancing readability and aesthetic appeal. Remember, the removal of table borders provides flexibility and allows you to showcase your content in a visually appealing manner. So go ahead, give it a try, and unlock the full potential of your Word documents

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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