How to hide my ‘Last connection’ time in Telegram?

The new instant messaging platforms provide us with a great multitude of tools to make your communication as fast as possible . Platforms like Telegram, give you the possibility to send videos, images and audios. In the same way, this platform offers you the possibility of having a greater interaction with your contacts, it gives you the possibility of knowing which was the last connection of your contacts and in the same way they will see your last connection.

Index(  )

  1. How can you freeze the last time in your Telegram account?
  2. What steps should you follow to not show your last connection on Telegram?
    1. From the Android or iOS mobile application
    2. With the Telegram Web version
  3. Is there any way to know the last Telegram connection of someone who has it hidden?
  4. Why do you keep showing up ‘Online’ if you aren’t?

How can you freeze the last time in your Telegram account?

This option is offered by Telegram, but it goes hand in hand when you restrict the information of your last connection to all your contacts or to a specific one, it is shown in your status that was connected about 2 or 3 days ago, but you may have connected a few days ago moments that will still appear that you were online 2 or 3 days ago.

There are different ways to interpret when was the last time a contact was connected, the first is the “last recent time” which determines that the person was connected in a maximum of 2 to 3 days. The other type is “last time a few days ago” which determines that the person was in the app a little longer, it is from 3 days to a maximum of 7 days from the last connection.

The next type would be “last time a few weeks ago”, this is a longer period of time that the connection of the person lies from 7 days to 1 month ago. Finally, the last type is “last time a long time ago”, which the person has been online for a month or several months , this time is not determined. This option can also appear to those blocked contacts.

What steps should you follow to not show your last connection on Telegram?

To put this option into practice is extremely easy, they are quite simple steps that will help you prevent all your contacts or the Telegram contacts you want from seeing your last connection time. It should be noted, when you limit the information of your last connection, the information of your contacts will also be limited, that is, you will not be able to see the last time online of the contacts that you have hidden your last time online.

From the Android or iOS mobile application

To configure the online option, the first thing you must do is locate yourself in your Telegram app , there are three lines in the upper right part, in that place a series of options will appear, including your profile photo. Right there is the settings option, press it and it will send you to your profile settings.

While there, the privacy and security settings will appear , entering these settings you will find different settings for the privacy of your profile, among them is the option that is determined as “last time and online” when entering that option, which are the contacts who see your last connection. By default, the Telegram application sets you to the option “all” which means that all your contacts will be able to see your last time online.

When entering the option last time and online, three options will appear which are all, my contacts and nobody . The application will normally have you in all of them, if you choose the “my contacts” option, only the people you have in your contacts library will be able to see your information last time online, if you choose the “nobody” option, none of your Contacts will be able to see your information, but in the same way you will not be able to see the information of your contacts.

With the Telegram Web version

Now, to deactivate this option using the Telegram web portal , it is the same as for the application. While on the page, press the three stripes that are located in the upper right part of your screen, then you go to “privacy and security” there you will find the privacy settings and there is the option that says “who can see my last time. and status online “by entering this option, you will find who can see your last time online.

Is there any way to know the last Telegram connection of someone who has it hidden?

From the original Telegram application, there is no way to know or spy on the last connection of a contact that has hidden it. In fact, within the regulations and privacy policies of Telegram , all users are respected for the decisions they make regarding the privacy of their accounts . Therefore, in order to decipher this information, you must use additional applications taking this into account, it should be noted that doing something like this can bring you a legal problem, because you are breaking the privacy of an app user.

Why do you keep showing up ‘Online’ if you aren’t?

As such, this is not a problem, nor something that can be solved from some configuration, what happens is that when you spend a lot of time in the app and suddenly you leave it, the app takes a few seconds to go from being online to not be online. This is a situation that not only happens to Telegram, but also to WhatsApp and even to Facebook Messenger.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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