How to hide an order on Amazon

An order placed on Amazon can be hidden , so that it is not visible in the list of orders placed, although later you can consult it in case you need to buy the same product later, compare the price at that time and now, etc.

By default, you can see your list of orders made in the last 3 months , although in a drop-down you can select to see all your orders in the last 3 months or divided by years, that is, what you have bought each previous year during the last 10 years.

When there are many and if you especially do not want certain of them to appear or simply because the list is very long, Amazon offers the option of archiving them , which really what it does is hide them, although you can later recover them again.

To hide one or more orders on Amazon you have to log in with your Amazon account and follow these simple steps:

  • Click on the option “returns and orders” in the upper right section, where your name is.
  • Now you will enter the “My orders” section and you will see the complete list of everything you have bought in the last 3 months, if you look under each one the option “archive order” appears , so all you have to do is press in that option to hide it.

And voila, the order will be hidden in another section , although if you want you can unarchive it and have it reappear, it is a reversible action that you can do as many times as you want and with up to 500 orders, so you can hide one or more. If you want to see the hidden purchases, you just have to access this Amazon website:

Web: Amazon Hidden Orders

Notice that the phrase “unarchive order” appears there , press it to take your purchase back to the order list and have it correctly classified.

This is how fast it is to hide orders in the Amazon online store , it is a useful option in some cases and the interesting thing is that you can always return to the original list all those purchases that you had decided to archive to keep them hidden.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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