How to go fishing in Nier Replicant

If you want to take a break from all the fighting and bullets in Nier Replicant, there’s no better way to kick back and relax than by fishing a little. Not only is this a convenient way to earn some extra cash, some side quests also require you to bring in fish. In this guide we will explain how and where to fish all the fish in Nier Replicant , as well as how the minigame works.

How to go fishing in Nier Replicant

First of all, you will need the fishing rod. This can be obtained from an old man on the boardwalk and will be obtained automatically as part of the main missions of the Replicator of Nier.

After that, you will be able to use your fishing pole on some bodies of water by walking towards them and pressing Circle on PlayStation or B on Xbox.

Brother Nier will throw his cue into the water and you’ll have to wait to take a bite. When you start to see the rod bend, press Circle / B again to hook the fish.

You will then need to pull the rod in the opposite direction of the fish’s movement to reduce its HP. To do this, use the left analog stick. Once the fish’s HP reaches zero, you can hook it up and catch it.

How and where to catch all the fish in Nier Replicant

There are 16 fish that you can catch in Nier Replicant, but you will need to use different types of bait in different places if you want to catch them all. To make it easier for you, we explain all of this below.

Fish Location Bait
Black bass Hometown, water wheel Lure
Blowfish Boardwalk, pier Worm
Blue needle Boardwalk, pier Sardine
Bream Boardwalk, pier Lure
Large tent Hometown, water wheel Worm
Dunkleosteus Boardwalk, pier Lure
Giant catfish Hometown, fast navigation area OR hometown pond to the east Lure (for the original city), Carp (east of the original city pond)
Hyneria Sandsea Shore, fast travel boat Sardine
Rainbow trout North Downs, dock northeast of the bridge Lure
Rhizodont Desert, fast travel boat Large tent
Real fish Eastern Road, pond Worm
Sand fish Desert, fast travel boat Lure
Sardine Facing the sea, Beach Worm
Shaman fish Facing the sea, hidden beach Lure
Shark Boardwalk, pier Sardine

Why should you fish?

Any fish you catch can be sold for cash, which is always useful for upgrading your gear. There are also side quests that require you to catch and bring fish to the quest giver.

by Abdullah Sam
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