How to free up space on PS4

You are a happy PlayStation 4 owner and as soon as you get the chance you enjoy trying new games, to the point where you have practically run out of space on the console. For this reason, since you’ve just bought a title on PlayStation Store and can’t download it, you’d like some advice on how to free up space on PS4 .

That’s the way it is, right? Then don’t worry: in this tutorial I will explain in detail just how to do this, examining all the possibilities offered by the Sony home console, from the simple deletion of unnecessary data from the PS4 disk to the use of more capacious storage devices. .

What do you say? In my opinion you can’t wait to start and finally try the game you’ve been waiting for. Come on then, all you have to do is read the quick instructions below and put them into practice. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to free up space on the PS4
  • How to make space on PS4

Preliminary information

Before explaining in detail how to free up space on PS4 , I think it might interest you to know more about how much memory is present on the various versions of the Sony console.

Well, the PlayStation 4 Fat , that is the original model of the console released in 2013, has a 500GB hard drive . The PlayStation 4 Slim , which arrived on the market in 2016, is available in both 500GB and 1TB versions . As for the PlayStation 4 Pro , released in 2016, it has a storage space of 1TB or 2TB, but only for a special variant .

Obviously, this does not mean that the user has exactly 500GB or 1TB of free space available: due to the space occupied by the system software, the real usable memory is usually equal to about 408GB for 500GB PS4s and about 861 GB for 1TB consoles.

This is a sufficient amount of space to keep several games in memory. However, over the years, the titles have become more and more “heavy” and consequently it is more and more frequent to find yourself without space available within your PS4.

Just to give you a concrete example, Call of Duty Warzone , a Battle Royale title released in 2020 and linked to Call of Duty Modern Warfare , has come to have a weight of over 100GB . Put simply, a large portion of a 500GB PlayStation 4 hard drive may only be occupied by this game.

This, as imaginable, can create some inconvenience when trying to install new games or applications. The goal of this guide will therefore be to show you what are the best solutions to get new space and continue to use the Sony console with peace of mind.

How to free up space on the PS4

The best way to free up space on the PlayStation 4 is to use a native functionality of the console to understand what are the elements that take up the most memory, so as to identify those that can be deleted, such as old titles that are no longer used or gameplay videos by now. unnecessary acquired through the Share button of the controller.

In short, understanding what are the elements that can be canceled without “consequences” is the first step to take. To do this, starting from the PS4 main menu, move to the top toolbar and press the X button of the pad above the Settings icon .

At this point, press on the Storage memory option and select the System storage memory box . You will then be shown on the screen all the types of data on the PlayStation hard disk, from apps to themes , and the amount of free space available.

Press, therefore, on the Applications panel and take a look at the games and apps installed . Next to each element there is the occupied space . At this point, choose a content that you no longer use and press the Options button on the controller. Then choose the Delete option , check the boxes of the contents you want to delete and press the X button of the pad first above the Delete button and then above the OK button .

Perfect, in this way you have successfully deleted the games and applications you no longer use. Then press the O button on the pad to go back and see how much space you have available now. If the latter is not enough, you can think of entering the other categories, namely Gallery captures , Saved data and Themes , and do the same, deleting the contents you no longer use.

For example, to remove a gameplay video that you recorded via PS4’s native functionality , press the Capture Gallery tile , select the game involved, press the controller’s Options button above the video tile and select the Delete option . Then, check the box for the video and use first the Delete button and then the OK button to delete the content.

You can do the same for themes and saves as well . However, in the latter case you also have another possibility. In fact, if you’ve signed up for a PlayStation Plus subscription , you can upload your saves to the cloud using a specific native feature. More precisely, up to approximately 100GB of data can be saved .

You are probably thinking that saves don’t weigh much and therefore you can’t save much space this way, but there are actually games that can save data for hundreds of MB , so this feature might come in handy.

To upload your saves to the cloud automatically, go to Settings> Energy saving settings> Set the features available in rest mode and check the box Stay connected to the Internet . In this way, the data will be loaded even when the console is in “standby”.

In addition to this, a special feature must be enabled. To proceed, go to Settings> Management of saved data from the application> Automatic loading and check the Enable automatic uploads box (you can also select the individual games for which to enable this function).

If you want, however, to proceed to the manual loading of bailouts, simply bring to you, from the menu Managing saved data from the application , in the path data stored in the system memory storage> Upload your data in online storage memory , select the data you want to load and press the Load button .

Perfect, now you also know all the possibilities related to rescues. I remind you that you can later retrieve the data you uploaded online by going to the Data saved in the online storage memory section of the Data management menu saved by the application .

Cloud space is generally used as a backup for save games, but you can use it to save some space on your console, perhaps by deleting from the internal disk the data of games that you have not used for a long time but which could still be useful in the future. .

In this regard, if you do not have a PlayStation Plus subscription and therefore cannot access this feature, you might consider copying these saves to a USB storage device , such as an external hard drive or USB stick .

To do this, simply access, from the Application’s saved data management menu , the path Saved data in the system’s storage memory> Copy to USB storage device and select the saves to copy.

You can later retrieve them via the Saved data on USB storage device section of the application’s Saved data management menu . In short, as you have seen, you have various methods to free up space on your PlayStation 4.

How to make space on PS4

How do you say? Were you unable to find enough items to delete and would you therefore like to increase the capacity of the PlayStation 4 disc ? No problem, I’ll tell you how to do it right away.

The solution that I think is the easiest to go through is to use an external hard drive , connecting it to one of the USB ports on the console. It is, in fact, a method that does not involve particular risks and that can be implemented through a native functionality implemented directly in PS4.

All you have to do is connect the hard drive to one of the USB ports on the PS4, go to Settings> Devices> USB storage devices in the console menu, select the external drive and press the Format button as extended storage memory .

Once the external disk has been correctly formatted ( all the data hosted inside it will be deleted , so save any files you need), you can set it as the primary memory where the games are installed and obviously move those already present on the PlayStation 4 hard drive.

For all the details of the case and the complete procedure, you can refer to my tutorial on how to increase the memory of the PS4 .

In case you are a more experienced user and do not have any fear of “getting your hands” in the console, you could also consider replacing the internal hard disk of the PlayStation 4 with a larger one. This operation could lead to problems with the correct functioning of the console, if performed in a non-optimal way.

In reality, if you are familiar with the replacement of hardware components, you will not have too many problems in carrying out this operation, but there is always that minimum risk to be taken into consideration if you have never “dirty your hands” in this way.

So why replace the console’s internal drive and not use an external one? Well, first of all for an aesthetic question, but then, as you can imagine if you know the tech world at a minimum, the internal disk ensures higher maximum speed in data transfer (if high performance and high quality) than one connected via USB.

In short, the choice is up to you: if you want to try to replace the internal drive and get much more space, you can refer to my guide on how to change hard drive on PS4 .

For the rest, since you are a happy owner of the Sony console, I suggest you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to PlayStation 4 , where you can find several tutorials that could be for you


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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