How to fix my laptop mouse if the buttons don’t work?

It often happens that you are working with your laptop, also known as a laptop , recently acquired or used, but in good condition and, overnight, the mouse or touchpad stops working. Do not be alarmed, it could be something slight, here we show you how to fix the laptop mouse when it stops working.

The mouse or mouse is a peripheral device that is built into the laptop, and is usually located in a box at the bottom of the keyboard. It also has two buttons, right and left, which fulfill the same function as in traditional mice.

If you wish, you also have the possibility to change and configure the use of the buttons  and thus be able to access additional functions.

This device is extraordinarily versatile, and helps you to operate your computer in places or places where a traditional mouse would make the job extremely cumbersome.

Learn how to fix your laptop mouse if the buttons stop working. Follow our step-by-step guide to troubleshoot hardware, driver, and software issues and get your mouse buttons back in action!

Fixing a laptop mouse (or touchpad) when the buttons are not working can involve several steps. Here’s a tabular guide to help you troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue:

Step Action Details
1 Restart your laptop Sometimes, a simple restart can fix temporary hardware glitches.
2 Check mouse settings Go to your laptop’s settings (usually in the control panel or system settings) and make sure the touchpad and its buttons are enabled.
3 Update or reinstall drivers Go to Device Manager, find the mouse or touchpad, and either update the driver or uninstall and then reinstall it.
4 Check for hardware issues If you are comfortable with hardware, check if the touchpad is properly connected to the motherboard. This often requires disassembling the laptop.
5 Try an external mouse Connect an external mouse to see if the issue is with the touchpad buttons or the laptop itself.
6 Run hardware diagnostics Many laptops have a built-in diagnostics tool that you can run to check for hardware issues.
7 Clean the touchpad Dirt and debris can cause button malfunction. Gently clean the touchpad and its buttons with a soft, slightly damp cloth. Avoid getting moisture in any openings.
8 Check for software conflicts Sometimes, newly installed software can interfere with mouse function. Try booting in Safe Mode to see if the issue persists.
9 Restore system settings If the problem started after a system update or change, try restoring your system to a previous state.
10 Contact manufacturer or professional repair service If none of the above steps work, it may be a more serious hardware issue. Contact your laptop’s manufacturer or take it to a professional repair service for further diagnostics and repair.

Remember, if you’re not comfortable performing any of these steps, especially those involving hardware, it’s always best to consult with a professional.

What to do, it got damaged, what do I do to fix the laptop mouse?

Relax, do not panic. It may not be necessary to run desperately to the trusted technician to find out what happens to the mouse or touchpad when it stops working , with consequent bleeding from the pocket.

On many occasions when the mouse stops operating, what happens is that, accidentally, we press the function key that deactivates the device and locks it .

It may be that, inadvertently, without realizing it, or when there are children in the house who tend to mess with the computers, the button that locks the mouse is activated. In general, this function operates when we press the “Fn” key , located on the keyboard at the bottom left, and one of the “Fx” keys from F1 to F12, located in a row at the top of the keyboard.

This feature is almost always activated by the laptop user when working with a traditional mouse , and they want the touchpad not to accidentally or carelessly interfere with their work. So what can be done to fix the laptop mouse.

Then the first thing to do is to rule out that we have not mistakenly deactivated the mouse, which, as mentioned, is activated and deactivated by generally pressing two buttons on the keyboard: “Fn” and one of the Fx “.

One trick that may work for you to work with the touchpad is to simulate the middle mouse button on the laptop’s touchpad.

Rule out other possible causes

If despite doing the indicated, the problem persists, then you have to go in the configuration of the laptop to advanced functions. Here you will find all the information about the device.

From this block you can access to restart the laptop and return it to its original factory settings. The process is extremely simple, just by clicking on the values ​​section in “settings”. A window is displayed where you will get, in the lower right, the option of “predefined”.

Another solution to fix the laptop mouse is to go to the installed applications block in the administration menu. From here you can disable the Synaptics Pointing operator and replace it with a more advanced one.

In the case of HP brand laptops they have a built-in LED light , which turns on when the touchpad is disabled. Generally, this happens when you double click on an add-on that accompanies the peripheral at the top. If this happens, you just have to double click on this device and lito, you activate the mouse again.

Summary of the steps to activate the touchpad

  • Restart the system. If the fault persists, locate the “Fn” function key on the keyboard , you get it in the lower left corner.
  • As a second step, discover on the keyboard the “Fx” key that complements the function to activate or deactivate the mouse. The “Fx” keys are located in a row from “F1” to “F12” at the top of the keyboard.
  • To activate or deactivate the mouse or mouse, you must press and hold these two keys at the same time. In this way we show you how to fix the laptop mouse without having to run to the nearest technician.

Having non-working laptop mouse buttons can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can often fix the issue yourself. By addressing possible hardware, driver, or software problems, you can get your laptop mouse buttons back in working order. Remember to check for loose connections, update or reinstall drivers, and restart your laptop as necessary. Now you can bid farewell to mouse button woes and enjoy smooth and effortless navigation on your laptop

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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