How to fix D3dcompiler_47.dll FROSTPUNK error in Windows?

Windows is a great operating system and everyone knows that, however, it is not without fatal flaws , such as the d3dx9_43.dll file missing error , which affect many programs. For this reason, today’s guide was created, so that you can learn how to solve one of these errors, by answering How to correct the D3dcompiler_47.dll FROSTPUNK error?

If you have been presented with this problem then you must be very upset, because there is nothing worse than trying to play a video game (in this case FrostPunk), and that you skip some anomaly that does not let you enjoy the experience. Many believe that the error that indicates that a DLL file is missing cannot be solved , but the truth is another as you will see.

Index(  )

  1. How to fix the D3dcompiler_47.dll FROSTPUNK error?
  2. Find and install the missing DLL

How to fix the D3dcompiler_47.dll FROSTPUNK error?

Now, to go directly to the point of your interest and that you can correct the D3dcompiler_47.dll FROSTPUNK error as soon as possible, the first thing you have to bear in mind is that your error occurs either due to a corrupt file or the lack of a DLL, so today you will be taught to solve both scenarios.

In the event that your problem is because the file is corrupt, then to solve the problem you have to first go to Windows startup, and there look in the CMD bar.

Later, when you exit a program with the same name, you have to right-click on it and run it as administrator . When you do, the CMD window of your computer where you can write commands will immediately jump out.

In this site proceed to place the following: sfc / scannow and then hit enter, this action will cause Windows to scan the computer and automatically repair all available files.

Once the scan is finished (it takes a few minutes), you have to restart the PC so that the changes are configured and that’s it, with that you should be able to enter your game without any problem, since the file that had been corrupted is repaired.

It should be noted that this solution works on any Windows operating system regardless of its version, so it does not matter if you have Windows 10 or not, the process is the same (with small variations) and the command is the same.

Find and install the missing DLL

With the above you already know how to fix the D3dcompiler_47.dll FROSTPUNK error if there is a corrupt file that is causing problems. So now and as you have been told before, you will see what to do if the file is not damaged, but simply not found on your PC.

If that happens to be your case, then to solve it first you have to go to your browser and look for a reliable DLLs page, such as: DLL files Inside it, place the name of the file you need and hit enter.

With this action you will see a list with the DLL, proceed to download the one that corresponds to your operating system (32-bit or 64-bit). When you have it on your PC, unzip it wherever you want (it can be on the same desktop).

When you decompress the ZIP that you downloaded, you will have a file with a DLL extension which you have to put in the source folder of the program in question. You do that as follows:

Go to your program and right-click on it, then select the option “Open containing folder”, then paste the DLL file into it. Then go to the path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ , and within it paste the file in the same way and voila the problem will be solved.

With that you already know how to correct the D3dcompiler_47.dll FROSTPUNK error, so you have nothing else to do here, you are free to go and solve your error. However, it is recommended that you complement this information by looking for How to fix the d3dcompiler_43.dll error ?, since this information can guide you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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