How to fix ‘ACCELEROMETERST.EXE’ system error in Windows 10

The Windows 10 operating system is the most used currently, but it is clear that it may also present an error in the system. Many users are closed for not knowing what to do to solve them, however there is always a way to repair these problems . This article will focus on how to fix the ‘ACCELEROMETERST.EXE’ system error in Windows 10 very easily, you just have to follow the given recommendations.

What is ‘ACCELEROMETERST.EXE’ error in Windows 10?

This error usually appears or occurs after you have updated the Windows operating system on your computer to the Creators Update version . Usually this type of failure in Windows 10 is due to the infection of errors, being as a result annoying on the part of the user.

Every time you start the computer and there will be a session, this error may appear, the way to remove the message is by pressing (X) and pressing «OK». The main problem is because the VCRUNTIME140.dll file is missing or corrupt or it is a problem known as HP 3D DriveGuard.

Next, we show you the solutions to get out of the error that is presented in your Windows system, the assistance that we will give you is totally safe.

Solution 1- Using PowerShell

The PowerShell console interface that has the ability to write and connect commands via instructions from system administrators. Now we show you how to use it so that you can solve the problem or error when starting the computer ‘ACCELEROMETERST.EXE’ in Windows 10.

  1. Head over to Windows Finder and type PowerShell and right click on it.
  2. Now on the right side there is a box with four options, click on the one that says “Run as Administrator”.
  3. This opens a blue background screen, there you will type the following command “sfc / scannow” and press enter.
  4. Once the scan starts, the results will be generated, if the system finds a problem it repairs it automatically, and if it does not solve it it creates a report.

Solution 2- Uninstall HP 3D DriveGuard

Another solution that exists to solve the problem ‘ACCELEROMETERST.EXE’ in Windows 10 we show you the following steps to follow to resolve this error.

  1. Press the Windows + I keys simultaneously and in the «Settings» application click on the «Applications» option. Wait for all the apps to appear on the right side of the panel.
  2. Locate HP 3D DriveGuard in the list and click on it, then click the uninstall option.
  3. In the uninstall wizard it will show you a message saying that if you are sure about the uninstallation you will give “OK”.
  4. Finally restart the computer to check if the error has already been resolved.

Solution 3- Download and install Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Package Update 3

One method that can work in case the previous ones have not solved the error is to download Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Package Update 3.

  1. Download Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Package Update 3.
  2. When you open it, select the “Install” option.
  3. Once the installation is done and configured with the computer, reboot the system to verify that everything is fixed.

Solution 4- Restore Microsoft Visual C ++

Restoring Microsoft Visual C ++ could fix your problem when you log into Windows , you will need to follow the steps below.

  1. Enter “Settings” by pressing Windows + I simultaneously and select “Applications”.
  2. Afterwards, find the Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 Redistributable application, and click on it to open the options and press “Uninstall”.
  3. The Windows helper will open and press the “Modify” box, then allow the system to guide you to complete the repair and restore process.
  4. Lastly, restart Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 Redistributible and repeat this process individually with each one of them until you get the Fix Accelerometers.exe system crash .

Ready, we are done, with the four suggestions and the steps mentioned you can solve the error ‘ACCELEROMETERST.EXE’ in Windows 10 easily.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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