How to drift motorcycle

Have you just seen the last GP and were you fascinated by a fantastic motorcycle drift ?

Well, let us tell you something: before getting on your favorite two wheels and trying to imitate the professionals, remember that this is a motorcycle handling technique that could expose you to great risks, and therefore you should approach this practice. with particular awareness, avoiding doing it in areas open to traffic and with excessive “optimism”.

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How to drift on a motorcycle


A lack of coordination, a technical error or non-optimal asphalt conditions could in fact cause you to end up on the ground… with what follows!

So, read this information carefully and avoid applying it verbatim to the first curve you come across. The risk of experiencing unpleasant consequences is unfortunately very high!

How to drift on a motorcycle

There is no single way to drift in motion , but at least two alternatives, of different technical locations.

The more complex method is the one that should cause you to quickly downshift gears as you enter corners . In this way you will slow down the rear end of the bike making it – in fact – skid.

Of course, saying this is a lot easier than doing it! To be able to drift correctly on the bike you must in fact be very careful to maintain a good balance, trying to balance the exit of the curve with your weight to avoid bad accidents (ie, a ruinous fall to the ground).

Then there is another method, a little simpler, which is that of drifting by locking the brake . In this way the rear of the bike will end up skidding: by releasing the brake and maintaining the usual balance, you will be able to close your drift correctly.

Be careful though. Although the second method is simpler, this does not mean that there are no risks, even serious ones, that you will have to face in handling your motorcycle in skidding!

Contrary to what you may superficially think reading these lines, in fact, drifting using the brake could easily throw you off balance. This is why – we repeat once again – before trying these techniques it is essential to act with the utmost caution, speaking with an expert and, above all, carrying out these maneuvers in an area closed to traffic and with all the safety equipment.


On the sidelines of the above we can only invite you to drift paying attention to all the elements that could easily take you out of a condition of equilibrium.

Therefore, first of all try to drift paying attention to the weight of the bike , because the weight of your favorite two wheels could have a very significant impact on all the dynamics that come into play in this juncture.

For example, someone who has never drifted with a motorcycle in their life will probably find it much easier to do so with a light bike, or a dirt bike. These vehicles are in fact characterized by a lower weight than the traditional street bike.

The latter, on the other hand, are certainly heavier and, therefore, will be more difficult to manage when drifting. In short, the risk of ending up on the ground – in even simpler terms – is much higher with heavy bikes than it could happen with lighter bikes.

Having said that, as is the case with every aspect related to the management of your motorcycle, we can only remember at this juncture the necessary caution associated with the correct and fully aware use of your vehicle.

Therefore, remember, even at the risk of appearing extremely repetitive, that these actions must always be carried out in conditions of complete safety, and that if you are not able to do them, because perhaps it is the first time you approach them, it would be a good habit to abstain and ask for more explanations to some professional who, perhaps, can teach you the best technique in an adequately equipped area!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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