How Motorcycles Electric Motorcycle Insurance Works

In the same way that it happens in a car, electric motorcycles also require insurance for their circulation. By law, you are obliged to hire one that has minimum coverage , making every vehicle have to be insured. In the case of these two-wheelers, as well as having a different way of functioning from the conventional ones, they tend to be covered to be protected against possible accidents.

Insurance, always present

Cities are increasingly congested by traffic and, for this reason, pollution levels are increasing. A large number of citizens are aware of the seriousness of this problem, which is why electrified vehicles, such as motorcycles, are becoming an option to take into account when moving around the city. An alternative to mobility is that of electric motorcycles that also need insurance .

Because having insurance, whether car or motorcycle, is mandatory to be able to circulate and to be protected in the event of an accident. At a minimum, it covers the possible damages of the third parties involved and, depending on the type of insurance chosen, also of those suffered by the driver.

Yes indeed; although in general lines it is usually included civil liability, medical expenses, collisions, accessories, roadside assistance … it is important not to forget that this depends on the type of policy that you decide to take out. Given this, more and more insurance lines are moving to offer different solutions to these battery-powered vehicles.

In this regard, it will be up to each one to be able to choose the best, the most convenient and the one that can offer us the most results for our day-to-day life on the streets. Now, what does this type of insurance for electric motorcycles really consist of? Do you have a special type of coverage compared to conventional ones? Are they more expensive?

What does it consist on

First of all it should be noted that this type of vehicle insurance. As are electric motorcycles, it is one of the fixed expenses that any owner has. There you will find the Regulations for the Mandatory Insurance of Civil Liability in the Circulation of Motor Vehicles.

This is the one that establishes that Civil Liability insurance is mandatory for both cars and motorcycles, which is applied regardless of the type of fuel used by the vehicle (in this case electricity). At present, in the market there are different types of insurance and different companies.

However, and as we will comment below, there are different types of insurance that will offer us one type of coverage or another, depending on our needs or powers . In any case, and above all for reasons of doubt, before hiring anyone for our electric motorcycle it is advisable to advise and compare. Along with special coverage, there are three types of insurance:

  • Civil Liability Insurance . As we mentioned, this is the first (and the main thing) to drive our motorcycle. It is known as third party insurance, where, if we cause damage to another person, we have an obligation to repair it. The compensation will depend on the degree of damage.
  • Roadside Assistance Insurance . What is best advised is to have insurance that offers coverage and help. This is the one that protects both us (driver) and the passenger.
  • Damage coverage . Depending on the insurer, you can choose between various coverages and budgets. Having insurance that provides coverage for damages (including theft) will give you a lot of peace of mind.

Thus, and depending on the use we make of our two-wheeled vehicle (daily, occasional, on the road, in the city, etc.), different coverages should be included to ensure our safety and protection, and that the needs that are addressed to you are covered. present as a biker. These range from Travel Assistance to theft, to driver’s insurance.

But, if the different types of insurance companies are characterized by something, it is because they also maintain a shelter against accidents or specific incidents that fully involve this type of electrified vehicles. For instance? theft of load wiring.

Special coverage

If we combine the great respect for the environment, the reduced energy consumption and the technologies that these types of motorcycles are carrying, for which companies do because they are increasingly optimized , we obtain a binomial in full growth and expansion that it is doing, little by little, because these are considered the most sustainable way to circulate comfortably.

For its part, and although it has the motorcycle treatment, it is a vehicle that has certain peculiarities. Among them is the price . Here we see that, having a new methodology and still under development, the costs offered by insurers are still quite lower if we compare them with traditional combustion.

Among the factors to calculate and know what we will pay is the electric model that we have. This is because different models have different specifications, especially when it comes to power . Or what is the same; that price will increase with power. This will play a quite important role, since depending on this and other symptoms of the two-wheeler, we will have insurance and coverage on our electric motorcycles of different levels.

  • Assistance due to lack of battery . The first has a lot to do with the lack of existing charging stations. This is a drawback that can have the possible effect of being stranded away from a station (its autonomy is still less). There the company has to offer us to be able to transfer it to the chosen place.
  • Charging cable subtraction insurance . This is an element that only affects electric vehicles and includes both the cable itself and the plug, through which the motorcycle battery is charged.
  • Breakage of load elements . In the same way, with the removal of the cable, our insurer will cover the breakage of any of the battery charging elements. Either the cable, the plug or the charger, which prevents it from charging and allows it to circulate.
  • Assistance from km 0. Contrary to what happens with the rest of the policies, those that are contracted for electric motorcycles do not usually have an increase in cost because this eventuality is included and, therefore, the insured can leave home with peace of mind to know that, from that moment, you will be covered, regardless of the number of times you have to use this service.
  • Specific warranty insurance  on the motor and electrical elements. In the event of a claim repair, electric motorcycle insurance takes us to a specialized repair shop.

Insurance companies

Once the specific coverage that we can have with our electric motorcycle is known by the hand of these insurances, it is time to find out which companies are there to protect us. Because if; Due to the fact that the situation of this type of mobility is still in progress, not all of those that we find for our conventional motorcycle provide those specific aids.

Yes it is true that more and more people are betting on it, but it is likely that if we go to one with which we have previously contracted they will tell us that they still do not offer these services. That is why we are also going to tell you which are the insurers that are already on board and what details are those that they present. They usually offer a basic third-party policy, and the prices are between € 90 and € 200 per year .

Direct line

The Línea Directa is one of the insurance companies for electric motorcycles that offer a price quite in line with the services they offer. In the first place, they do it with the driver’s coverage, with which we will have covered all the damages we suffer after an accident.

A legal defense and claim for damages is also presented, for which the expenses in legal defense derived from a traffic event will be covered. In addition, theft and fire insurance is included. In this case, it is also presented with a good alternative: if we have the 15 points on the card, what you finally pay will lower up to € 100 .


Allianz has also signed up, and in the same way that we count for assistance in electrified cars, two-wheelers can also benefit. It is one of the most important insurers. Along with the protections in accidents, damages, theft and driver coverage, we can opt for an additional discount in case we voluntarily pass the Technical Inspection of the Vehicle.

Direct Insurance

Another one that we can better count on is the Direct Insurance company, which offers us the opportunity to contract the Electric Motorcycle Kit in your insurance. This, as detailed on its website, is very useful if we have a vehicle with these characteristics. This package can only be contracted if the policy has insured theft and assistance.

It includes the theft of the charging cable ( up to 200 euros ), damage to the charging stations installed at the customer’s home (up to 20 euros) and the towing of the vehicle to the nearest charging station. In your case, your motorcycle will be protected against three key situations: theft of the charging cable, damage to the domestic charging station and roadside assistance.


Mapfre’s is also one of the most valid and complete, also because we have a great diversity of rates and options. In addition, they do to ensure total peace of mind for customers. This puts at our disposal a series of covers for electrics (both motorcycle and car).

Thus, and apart from the vehicle and traditional coverages, they will also have coverage on the battery and the recharging cable, as well as civil liability for damage to other recharging stations .

Regarding the coverage that we will have, Mapfre offers us a complete service : travel assistance, damage and theft in our own elements, generic advice, customer service to consult the nearest recharging points, or specialized information on subsidies.


As for lade Verti, one of the most common among companies, they offer us motorcycle insurance to third parties, with the freedom to choose whether or not to contract Travel Assistance coverage. This includes coverage for theft of the electric cable and roadside assistance from kilometer zero in Spain, Europe and the Mediterranean countries 24 hours a day.

Another of the most interesting views is that with it, if we run out of battery, they tow us to the nearest recharging point. In addition, they offer a 20% discount on the annual premium for new customers.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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