How to display dialog window in 3D Studio Max

The animation tools in 3D Studio Max make it easier to insert or add an image plane . The graphics in this program increase the quality of the content and its digital output, so it gets better.

The creation of movies, video games or advertisements is one of the main functions of the platform. However, when the initial learning window or dialog box is opened , it does not appear.

Although the box may be open, it is not displayed on the screen. In order to solve it, you can consult the content below and clarify all your doubts.

Why is the dialog window not displayed in 3D Studio Max?

The windows affected by this can be Configuration with Render, Material Editor or Parametric Floats. However, the window may appear “Open” when its status is checked in the “Rendering” menu.

The “Toolbar” icon may not be displayed. The selection should be light blue when the dialog box is activated, this is one way to check it.

Something that can cause the initial learning window to be unseen may be that it has a specific location. It can be outside the current display area managed by the Windows Desktop.

With 3D Studio Max it can occur due to the change in resolution of the computer screen. Also, changing from using a multiple screen to a single screen causes this box to not be found.

If the screen type was changed, the screen itself or the projectors being used, the error is found . The dialogue window, for many editions or productions, is usually very important.

The solutions for those who use this program frequently, always need to be immediate. Once this is done, 3D Studio Max , allows online animations to be made with the available aids.

In case of being beginners in the use of its functionalities, having this window allows a greater familiarity. Although it is not a limitation, it can make it possible for some functions to be affected.

Solutions to display the dialog window in 3D Studio Max

Solution 1

You can check if you can recover the window by selecting the missing function in the program. It should be typed while pressing the ALT + SPACE key on the keyboard, typing “METRO” (Movement) afterward.

It will be noted that the mouse pointer will have 4 arrows, so the keyboard arrows will be used. Thus, the window is moved back to the screen, adjusting it as preferred, having to do the following process:

  1. Close 3D Studio Max.
  2. Find the corresponding section where the program is located to proceed to open it.
  3. The 2 numbers in the corresponding dialog box are changed to 0 0. Their position in the upper left corner of the screen area is restored.
  4.  The program is saved as 3dsmax.ini and restarted for the changes to take effect.

If the window does not move or does not open, you can try to reset the 3D Studio Max preferences . This will be done towards its default values ​​so that another solution can be provided .

Solution 2

The latest edition of the ” Material Edition ” dialog is stored in the 3dsmax.ini file . If the file is not corrupted or its physical location is no longer accessible, the 3dsmax.ini must be redone or edited.

Make a note of the graphics driver settings for the program, shutting it down later if it is still running. The file is renamed \ 3dsmax.ini \, not named “ 3dsmaxini.old ”.

Afterwards, 3D Studio Max restarts, and while it starts, the first file is searched. If not found, the choice for a graphics driver configuration is requested.

Finally a new default value is created and the program is started with the file information. So when you open the dialog box, you can find the default location.

With this, you can create a video with photos, music and animations from the computer where you have this program. If the solutions listed here do not work, you should go to technical support for more information

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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