How to disable the touch screen in Windows 10

On some occasion, it is likely that you need to temporarily disable the touch screen of your device in Windows 10 , something that you can do easily and very quickly, especially if you have a convertible, a computer that you can use as such and as a tablet .

However, many laptops that you find on the market have touch screens that, although they are an innovation and can be useful in many cases, at some point they can even become annoying and that is when you can consider disabling them.

Contrary to what you might think, deactivating this parameter is very simple and it is a reversible possibility, so you can then reactivate the touch screen at any time. This procedure is possible to do as many times as you want.

To deactivate the touch screen you must follow these simple steps:

  • Right click on the Windows 10 Start menu and click on “Device Manager . 
  • Now look for the device section “Human Interface Devices” or “User Interface Devices (HID)”. In one of them you will have to look for one that says ” HID compatible touch screen “, right click on that option and click on “disable device” . A confirmation message will appear that you really want to perform this action, so accept it.

This is the only possibility that there is to do this task, for now you have to enter the device manager and deactivate that parameter. The same in the future Windows 10 implements a faster option, but now you have to do that.

With that simple gesture you will have disabled the touch panel of your PC or Surface screen , you can then activate it again whenever you want by performing the same steps and selecting “enable”. Of course, be careful not to press the “uninstall” option, which is not the same.

It is likely that you will see several “HID-compatible touch screen”, it is normal, so in this case it is just a matter of gradually testing which is the one that really disables your Windows 10 touch screen by performing the steps indicated above .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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