How to delete your WhatsApp audios with my iPhone? – easy method

The utility of mobile phones today is very high, but this is only possible thanks to the applications that they contain. Thanks to apps and other important features, phones went from being simple to being smart. However, when we have many applications, the storage space is reduced.

Messaging apps are the ones that always take up more space and not because they are so heavy but because you are frequently sending and receiving files and messages. This over time causes you to have to free up space. Therefore, now we will teach you how to delete WhatsApp audio from your iPhone in a simple way.

How to delete your WHATSAPP audios with my iPhone? – easy method

Index( )

  1. What are the steps to delete your audios from my Mobile device?
    1. From the iPhone ‘Files’ folder
    2. Directly from your WhatsApp application
  2. How to delete the audios of your WhatsApp without affecting your conversations?


What are the steps to delete your audios from my Mobile device?

There are several ways in which you can get rid of WhatsApp audio to free up space on your mobile. However, if you only want to get rid of a specific audio it is also possible. There are at least 2 ways for you to achieve this on an iPhone, but for that, you have to pay attention to the following procedures.

From the iPhone ‘Files’ folder

If you want to remove WhatsApp audio from the root and without any inconvenience, you will have to apply this process. In this one, you will have to search the audios from the internal storage. It is very effective, although if you do not know how to carry it out, you may not succeed. That is why you have to follow the following steps so that you can do it successfully:

  1. Turn on your iPhone device and then access the applications menu of the same.
  2. Now, you have to search for the iPhone storage app.
  3. The next thing you have to do is open it.
  4. Then, look inside the storage for a folder named ‘WhatsApp’.
  5. Inside this folder, access another folder called ‘Media’. All kinds of files sent and received through the WhatsApp app are stored in this folder.
  6. Now, you will see that there are several folders that start with ‘WhatsApp’. For you to delete the audios, you will need to enter what is called ‘WhatsApp Voice Notes’. All the audios that you have received or sent are located there.
  7. If you want to delete songs or other types of audio files that you have sent or received, exit that folder and enter the one that says ‘WhatsApp Audio’.
  8. Finally, proceed to delete everything you don’t need in any of the two aforementioned folders.

You have to keep in mind that once you perform this action, it cannot be reversed. Also, all the audios within the application will disappear, since they have been deleted.

Directly from your WhatsApp application

If you don’t like so many complications and want something a little easier, then you can delete the audios directly from the application , but this is done in a different way. From here, you will also be able to see how many messages you have with a specific chat . In order for you to do it correctly, you have to follow the steps that we will give you below:

  1. Turn on your iPhone device and access the WhatsApp app.
  2. En la esquina superior derecha vas a poder ver 3 puntos, presiónalos para que abras el menú de ajustes de la cuenta de WhatsApp.
  3. Lo siguiente que tienes que hacer es pulsar el apartado llamado ‘Almacenamiento y datos’.
  4. Ahora, entra en la primera opción, la cual se llama ‘Administrar almacenamiento’. Cuando estés allí dentro, vas a poder ver una línea verde indicando los archivos que ocupa WhatsApp. Verás una amarilla que indica lo que ocupan otras apps y en rojo estará el espacio libre.
  5. Un poco más abajo estará en primer lugar el chat que tenga más peso en cuanto a archivos multimedia. Tienes que pulsar ese chat y verás todos los videos, audios, fotos y notas de voz que has enviado y recibido. Luego, puedes pasar a borrar los que veas poco útiles o los no deseados.

As in the previous process, you should know that once you start deleting the files , you will not be able to undo the action, as this is permanent. What you can do before deleting is to create a backup of your data on WhatsApp.

How to delete the audios of your WhatsApp without affecting your conversations?

The only way to delete WhatsApp audios without affecting your conversations does not exist, since if you delete an audio it will no longer be there. However, if you press it, it will be downloaded again . On the other hand, if you delete an audio directly from the conversation, it will be unrecoverable. If your WhatsApp presents some kind of problem in this regard, it is advisable that you uninstall it and reinstall it.

Of the two methods that we explained to you above, the one that does not affect your conversations is the one in which you delete the files from the storage. So, if you do not want this to happen, you can apply the steps that we explain in that method and your conversations, that is, messages and other files, will not be affected.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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