How to delete pictures of yourself from Google

There are often cases when personal data ends up on the Internet without our consent. Whether they were stolen by third parties and posted online, or they got there by mistake, they must not appear in public places, regardless of the situation. To avoid such unfortunate situations, Google offers the possibility to delete the data, regardless of the format in which it was posted: photo, file or simply, written information. How can you delete pictures of yourself from Google?

How do you delete pictures of yourself from Google?

Google makes available to its users a service that allows them to delete their data that is displayed in searches on its search engine. Statistically speaking, over 80% of searches on the Internet are performed through the Google search engine, which ranks first in consumer preferences, including those in Romania. Google displays answers in over 124 languages ​​and has a database of over 25 billion websites.

Otherwise, if you have found pictures or information related to your person , and you do not want them to appear there, you can very easily delete them from the Google browser. This service was specially created and launched for the citizens of the European Union, as a result of a decision made by the European Court of Justice which grants the right to “be forgotten”. To complete this operation, you will need to complete a Personal Information Removal Request Form, which will be accompanied by a photograph.

How Google can help you delete your personal data from the online environment

Google informs its users that it will evaluate the request and balance the individual’s right to privacy against the public interest in having access to the information and the right of others to share the information.

For example, Google may refuse to remove certain information related to financial fraud, malpractice, criminal convictions, or the public conduct of government officials. In order for Google to evaluate your request, you will need to specify the URL of each link that appears when searching for your name on Google. You must also explain how that web page relates to you or the person on whose behalf you are making the request to the Google browser.

And in the last step, you will have to explain to Google why this URL in the search results is “irrelevant, outdated or inappropriate”. If you want to request the removal of personal information from another Google product, you must submit a request using the form for that product.

This form can be found in the section — Removal of content from Google. From the time you submit your request, it will take 12 to 24 hours for your request to be processed. Thus, you will receive an affirmative email or a negative answer, depending on whether your name is mentioned on the Internet. Google will send a confirmation or denial email regarding your request as soon as it makes a decision.


by Abdullah Sam
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