How to deactivate my account on the twitter web?

To deactivate his Account on the Web, the Twitter User: Requires logging into his Periscope Account, click on his Profile icon and choose Settings in the pop-up menu, click on Deactivate account.

After clicking on Deactivate account , a methodical dialog box pops up on the screen, the Twitter User clicks Deactivate account to confirm the deactivation of the Account. Once the procedure has been completed, the User no longer has an active Twitter account.

When the Twitter User selects Deactivate account, he is asked to confirm his decision to deactivate. If you choose to Download Personal Data, a loading indicator pops up while your request is being processed; completed your request and starts downloading a file with your data.

Log out of my Periscope Account

If the Twitter User lost his mobile and needs to log out of his Periscope Account; For this purpose, you must follow this procedure: Follow the steps with an iOS or Android device; If you are logged into Periscope with a Twitter Account, go to Twitter settings on your PC.

Choose Revoke access corresponding to Periscope; Choose Revoke access on Twitter for iOS or Twitter for Android, this depends on the device that the User has. After downloading the Periscope application on your new mobile, log into your Periscope Account.

Finally, select Profile, Settings and Log out of all devices. Now that the Twitter User has complied with all the procedure to log out of his Periscope Account, he has the option of logging in on his new mobile.


To create a Transmission, the Twitter User must: Click on the Transmission tab, click on Create Transmission, enter the required fields: Transmission Name, Category: How would you describe your transmission? and source.

The Twitter User requires selecting an Audience option : Public or private; choose a Schedule option: Start immediately or start later; open Advanced Settings; open Content Restrictions: Include or Exclude.

Insert the video from the encoder to the source and check that the preview producer shows video; By clicking on Create transmission, the Twitter User has the option to choose: Start immediately or Start later.

Tweet and end a Transmission on Twitter

On the Twitter platform, the User has the option to Tweet a Transmission, following the following procedure: Click on the Transmission tab; click on an existing broadcast; Click on the Tweet button and you are ready to go online.

Regarding ending a Transmission , the Twitter User needs to follow this procedure: Click on the Transmission tab, click on an existing transmission, go to the bottom of the transmission identifications window.

To close, the Twitter User clicks on the Finish button; Once all the requirements of the procedure have been fulfilled, its transmission will be reproduced on Twitter for the enjoyment of all Twitter users on the Twitter platform.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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