How to Create and Use Master Pages Using Adobe InDesign cc

The Adobe company has created the Adobe InDesign program so that users can design, add text to a document and easily edit files with predetermined formats. Thanks to this application it is possible to carry out all kinds of projects.

In fact, with regard to the options it offers us, we must mention that a new document can be created and configured in a simple way and elaborated a great variety of unique designs.

On the other hand, it also gives us the option of making drawings with the pen tool , which is very useful if we want to create something original to be able to patent it.

The idea is to use a format or template that can be generalized on all the pages we want , either a magazine, newspaper, catalog, brochure or brochure type format, depending on the objective or our creativity.

Normally, all documents already come in a default form, that is, they have a master page. In this article we will explain how you can create your own master page from scratch or from an existing master page .

Once your design is applied to the master page, you will see how extraordinarily the changes you have made to the original will be automatically loaded on the following pages of the document.


Importance of Adobe InDesign Master Pages

A master page is a kind of background that is applied to multiple pages. Master pages are important as they help to give a clean and better structured editorial layout .

The use of these pages is very easy and simple , since if you reform a page, all the associated pages that contain it will automatically be changed. Master pages generally have a basic layout in which logos, headers, and footers are repeated.

Create your master page from scratch

The first thing you should do is find the page panel menu bar, located on the right of your screen, and choose ¨ New master page ¨. A submenu with the reference ¨ Master page options ¨ will be displayed .

The parameters will appear: prefix, name, based on master page and number of pages. They require the specifications that you will read below:

  • Prefix . Enter a prefix that identifies the master page applied to each page in the pages panel. A maximum of four characters can be entered here.
  • Name . Enter a name for the master signature.
  • Based on page maestra . Choose the option ¨None¨. This choice is the most important among all the others.
  • Number of pages . Enter a value for the number of pages you want to include in the master spread (limit is ten).

After specifying the above options, click the ” OK” button . This is the time to start creating your design. One suggestion that may be useful is that you sketch the project with paper and pencil and then digitally translate your creation. That way, you will be clear about what information will go on each page.

Create master pages from an existing page or spread with Adobe InDesign

With this option, you will achieve your goal in just two steps . Keep reading and you will discover what they are:

  1. Select a complete spread from the “panel pages / Pages” section. Drag it to the ¨ Master Pages ¨ section .
  2. Choose a spread in the “Pages” panel and click ” Save as master page” .

You will be able to check that the objects on the page or the original sheet will become part of the new master page. If you wish, you can vary the characteristics of the master page using another master page as a base, and choose to update the other pages. We will identify the pages in the following way:

  • Sheet or main master page . It is within the same document.
  • Secondary spreads or master pages . Created from the original master page.

To illustrate a bit what can be done, suppose that the document used contains 21 chapters in which the master sheets vary very little in the design or layout and the common objects of all of them. In that case, you can change the basic layout.

For example, you can add objects, which will appear in the document with a dotted border. This would take a few minutes, since when editing or changing the main master spread you wouldn’t have to go through all 21 chapters one by one.

With Adobe InDesign, creating numbered lists , magazines, newspapers, brochures or brochures is very pleasant and comprehensive. We encourage you to explore this great tool.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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