How to Create a Desktop Icon in Microsoft Edge

Learn how to easily create a desktop icon in Microsoft Edge for quick and convenient access to your favorite websites. Streamline your browsing by following these step-by-step instructions.

How to Create a Desktop Icon in Microsoft Edge

infographic guide on how to create a desktop icon in Microsoft Edge

Creating a desktop icon for a website in Microsoft Edge is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge: Launch the Microsoft Edge browser on your computer.
  2. Navigate to the Website: Go to the website for which you want to create a desktop shortcut.
  3. Access the Menu: Click on the three dots (⋯) located at the top right corner of the browser to open the menu.
  4. More Tools: Hover over or click on “More tools” in the dropdown menu.
  5. Create Shortcut: Select “Create shortcut…” or a similar option. This will prompt a small window to appear.
  6. Name the Shortcut: In the prompt, you can name the shortcut. This name will be displayed under the icon on your desktop.
  7. Create: Click the “Create” button to finalize the shortcut.

After completing these steps, a shortcut icon for the website should appear on your desktop. Double-clicking this icon will open the website directly in Microsoft Edge.

Note: The exact steps might slightly vary depending on the version of Microsoft Edge you are using. If you’re using an older version or if you find these steps don’t match up with your version, it might be helpful to update your browser or check the Microsoft Edge help resources for the most current information.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a desktop icon in Microsoft Edge, presented in a tabular format:

Step Action Description
1 Open Microsoft Edge Launch the Microsoft Edge browser on your computer.
2 Navigate to the Website Go to the website for which you want to create a desktop shortcut.
3 Access the Menu Click on the three dots (⋯) at the top right corner of the browser to open the menu.
4 Select ‘More Tools’ Hover over or click on “More tools” in the dropdown menu.
5 Choose ‘Create Shortcut’ Select “Create shortcut…” or a similar option from the submenu. This will open a small prompt.
6 Name the Shortcut In the prompt, enter a name for the shortcut. This name will be displayed under the icon on your desktop.
7 Create the Shortcut Click the “Create” button to finalize the creation of the shortcut.

After completing these steps, a shortcut icon for the website will appear on your desktop. Double-clicking this icon will open the website directly in Microsoft Edge.

Please note that these steps are based on a typical version of Microsoft Edge and may vary slightly with different versions of the browser.

Creating a desktop icon in Microsoft Edge can significantly improve your browsing experience by providing quick and convenient access to your favorite websites. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can save time, stay organized, and streamline your workflow. Start creating your desktop icons today and enjoy seamless access to the webpages that matter most to you.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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