How to create a custom dictionary in Word

Although it is true, one of the most versatile and effective programs known to date is Microsoft Word. This is due to the fact that it not only lends itself to making text documents , but also allows putting exponents and fractions , which makes it so popular today, given its multiple functionalities that adapt perfectly to the needs of the user.

How to Create a Custom Dictionary in Word and Add or Remove Words

Likewise, with its use you can also customize the dictionary that the program has integrated so that, when the autocorrect tool is activated, the process is the fastest and most efficient and thus possible errors that are false are not detected.

In addition, in this way you avoid the annoying red underlines that appear every time the system takes a word as unknown or wrong. All this translates into a much faster writing, so we invite you to continue reading so you can learn everything related to the subject and customize your dictionary in a few minutes.

Index( )

  1. Instructions for adding or removing words in the Word dictionary
  2. Correct way to create a new custom dictionary in Word

Instructions for adding or removing words in the Word dictionary

The first thing you have to do is create a new document in the program and start writing your text. When the system has detected a spelling error in it, even if the word is spelled correctly, you must place the cursor on it and right click to proceed to choose the Add to dictionary option. In this way, the red underline will no longer appear when you type since the system will have successfully integrated the word.

It should be noted that if you are a person who uses the computer constantly, you can download personalized cursors to give a different touch to the functions of your PC. That said, another available way to accomplish our purpose of customizing Word’s dictionary and adding or removing words is by going to the File tab and then clicking Options.

Afterwards, you need to click Review and look for the option that says Custom Dictionaries . By doing this, you will see a list that has the custom dictionaries that you currently have active, as well as the available proofing languages. So you need to choose the one you need and proceed to click Edit Word List.

So now, you just have to press the Add option and write the word you want and then click OK. In this way, the word will be successfully registered in the system and when you write it again, the annoying red underline will not appear. Also, you can delete the words you want by simply pressing the box that says Delete word within the same options panel in case you have made a mistake when registering one.

Correct way to create a new custom dictionary in Word

To accomplish this, you have to create a new document in notepad , which you can do from the Windows system or from OneDrive if you prefer. Now, you have to proceed to write all the words that you want to include in your dictionary, keeping in mind that they must be very well written because that way they will be permanently registered in the system.

Once this is done, you have to access the File window and select the Save As option and put the name you prefer for your dictionary. Next, you must add the .dic extension and in the field where it says File format you have to choose the All files option.

Next, in the Encoding type field, you must appeal for the Unicode option, you will click on save and that’s it. Now it is time to access Word again and choose the File window and then click on Review and find the option that says Custom Dictionaries and you will have to click on Add to select the list of words that you wrote in the notepad.

So it only remains to click Change as default and click OK. It is important that you know that if you usually write a lot on the PC or through your mobile, you can resort to applications of dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms, which turns out to be ideal so that your texts are the most outstanding.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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