How to contact Facebook and have a fake profile removed

Learn how to contact Facebook and remove fake profiles. Reporting a fake profile is easy with these step-by-step instructions. Help create a safe and authentic online community.

How to contact Facebook and have a fake profile removed.

To report and remove a fake Facebook profile, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Fake Profile: Navigate to the timeline of the suspected fake account.
  2. Access Report Options: Click the three dots (…) located at the right side of the profile.
  3. Initiate Report Process: Choose “Find support or report profile” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Specify Report Reason: Select “Fake Account” as the reason for reporting.
  5. Submit the Report: Click “Submit” to finalize your report.

Once Facebook receives the report, they typically investigate and may remove the fake account fairly quickly. Remember, before reporting, it’s wise to verify if the account is genuinely fake, as sometimes legitimate new accounts are created by your friends​

Inside Facebook we usually put a lot of our own information keeping the public profile activated, which can often be sensitive, so that everyone can see it without much problem. Often times, this information can be something simple like photos from our last trip, down to our personal phone number , date of birth, and location of our workplace.

Given this, it is always a good idea to activate the option to make all this information private, because many people can do all kinds of not very benign actions towards us. Above all, it is important to put the photos you have on your Facebook in privacy to avoid future problems with strangers.

However, it is not necessary to have all this information to impersonate a person, since just by entering a public profile or having access to photographs and basic information of the person, you can make a false profile within Facebook. Luckily, Facebook can take care of that if you report the account as a fake profile as soon as you find it.

Deleting a fake profile

The fake profiles on Facebook, are those profiles where they take all the information and pictures of someone else to impersonate her. When this happens, and that person talks to someone for love reasons, blackmail or other, it is known as catfishing. This is against Facebook’s terms of use and is punishable by the page itself.

In order to report and eliminate a false profile from these, you just have to enter the person’s profile and click on the button with the three dots that is on the front page. Now, the option to ” Find help or report profile ” will appear, so click on it.

Now, you will see several instructions on the screen that you have to follow in order to successfully report that harmful fake profile . You should keep in mind that it is recommended that people who know the original person or you, go and report the fake profile so that Facebook can take higher priority in the case of the fake account.

Contacting Facebook for Profile Removal

If you encounter a fake profile on Facebook, there are specific steps you can take to report and ensure its removal. Here’s how you can contact Facebook:

  1. Step 1: Report the Profile – To report a fake profile, visit the profile in question and click on the three dots (…) in the bottom right corner of the cover photo. From the dropdown menu, select the “Report” option.
  2. Step 2: Choose the Appropriate Reason – Facebook provides several options to report the profile. Select the option that best describes the issue. This could include impersonation, fake name, or other reasons.
  3. Step 3: Provide Essential Details – In this step, you’ll be given the opportunity to provide additional information about the fake profile. Include details such as why you believe it’s fake, any evidence you have, or any potential harm it may cause.
  4. Step 4: Submit the Report – After completing the necessary information, click on the “Submit” button to send the report to Facebook.
  5. Step 5: Wait for Facebook’s Response – Facebook will review your report and take appropriate action. They may request additional information or contact you for clarification if needed. Be patient during this process.

Facebook’s Profile Removal Process

Now that you’ve reported the fake profile, how does Facebook handle profile removals? Let’s take a look at their process:

  1. Review and Verification – Facebook carefully reviews the reported profile and verifies the claims made in the report. They evaluate the evidence and determine if the profile violates their community standards.
  2. Decision and Action – Based on their review, Facebook decides whether the reported profile should be removed. If they find it to be in violation of their policies, they take the necessary action, which may include profile suspension or removal.
  3. Notification – Once Facebook makes a decision, they notify both the reporter and the profile owner. If the profile is found to be fake and removed, the person who reported it will receive a notification confirming the outcome.

Speeding Up the Process

Although Facebook strives to handle profile removals promptly, the process may take some time. If you’re looking to expedite the process, here are a few tips to consider:

  1. Provide Clear and Concise Information – When reporting the fake profile, make sure to provide accurate and detailed information. Clearly explain why you believe the profile is fake and any evidence you have to support your claim. This can help speed up the review process.
  2. Encourage Others to Report – If you come across a fake profile, encourage others who may have encountered it to report it as well. Multiple reports can draw Facebook’s attention and help in prioritizing the removal process.
  3. Follow Up on the Report – After submitting a report, periodically check for updates or responses from Facebook. If there’s no progress, consider submitting a follow-up request with additional information if available.


Encountering a fake profile on Facebook can be a frustrating experience. However, by following the steps mentioned above, you can effectively report and have these profiles removed from the platform. Remember, it’s essential to provide accurate information, encourage others to report, and, if necessary, follow up on the report. By actively working towards a safe and authentic online community, we can help create a better experience for everyone on Facebook.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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