How To Connect mac to the internet via Android

We are the usual … you are away from home and you have just realized that you have to send a file for work but you do not have a hotspot nearby … how many times has it happened to me too! But the good news is that nowadays this is no longer a problem because technology is our friend and you can always use your smartphone to connect your computer to the internet. If you have a mac and an Android mobile phone, you can connect mac to the internet via Android by creating a personal hotspot.

If you are using an iPhone phone then consult this guide.

It is such a simple procedure that it will only take you a couple of minutes to devote to reading this guide; I promise you immediately to be as concise as possible and to illustrate the whole procedure for connecting mac to the internet via Android without getting lost in useless chatter.

Connect mac to the internet via Android

The first thing you will need to do to connect mac to the internet via Android is to activate the hotspot service on your Android phone but don’t worry, it’s nothing complicated.

To configure the android hotspot open the Android settings (by pressing on the key with the gear symbol) and look for the section called Wireless and Networks (on some versions of Android the name may be slightly different). Once you have identified the section, open it and press on the word Other and then press again on the word hotspot . Now select the Configure Wi-Fi hotspot item to open the android hotspot configuration window.

From here you will have to configure the hotspot by giving it a name and a password; then assign a name (writing it in the Network name field ) which will then be displayed in the network search later and then write the password that you will need to enter to connect from the Mac to the hotspot; leave the remaining fields unchanged and click on Save .

Done, at this point you are ready to connect mac to the internet via Android. Every time you need to use your mobile phone to connect your computer to the internet you will need to activate the hotspot.

To activate and deactivate the hotspot, simply drag your finger downwards from the top edge of the mobile phone screen to open the connections menu; from here you will have to drag your finger down again to expand the menu and then press the hotspot button to activate and deactivate it. Consider that the hotspot service will increase the consumption of the battery of the mobile so I advise you when you do not need to keep it deactivated.

Now you need to connect mac to the internet via Android; in practice you will have to press on the wifi symbol in the mac bar at the top right and from the list of wifi networks found press on that of your Android phone. Next you will need to enter the Android hotspot password and press Login.

Once done you will be able to connect mac to the internet via Android and you will be able to surf right away; obviously the browsing speed will be that of your mobile phone.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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