How to complete the 100 Challenge in BitLife

There is a new challenge available in BitLife called the Challenge 100. You will have to complete several steps and meet the requirements of different activities. The hard part of this challenge includes having 100 percent stats and having an exact balance.

Here are the challenge requirements:

  • Be 100 years old
  • Have a bank balance of exactly $ 100
  • 100% happiness
  • They are 100 percent healthy
  • You have 100% Smart
  • You look 100%

Many of these requirements work well alongside each other. For example, to reach 100 years old, it really helps you have incredibly high stats, mostly health. To reach 100, you need to make sure your character doesn’t engage in dangerous activities and keeps a low profile every year, mainly by taking regular walks, reading, meditating, and interacting with family members.

To reach 100 percent in all stats, you can combine several things to increase those stats. Many of these overlap, such as health and appearance.

  • For Happiness, you can have a love affair with your spouse, your kids, and take regular walks or buy luxury items to make your life easier.
  • For health, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor, eat healthily, go for walks and visit the gym quite often. You can change your diet in the activity section to regularly follow a routine to assist you, especially in old age.
  • For Smarts, you want to read books or visit the library. There isn’t much you can do about this stat, but if you do it early enough in your life you can keep it relatively high for most of your character’s life.
  • For Looks, you have to visit the gym, go to a barber or have a life-changing surgery early in your life to change your appearance.

The final requirement is to have exactly $ 100 in your bank. You will need to make sure that you regularly spend money on items, and it may help to have no obvious income for your character. For example, if you receive money through a superannuation fund, you may want to make sure you can keep it low enough. Of all the requirements, this may be the hardest part to make sure you are spending enough money on random things to keep it low or have enough resources that require annual maintenance.

Once you have met these requirements, you will have finished the new 100 Challenge.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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