How to combine orientations in my Word files?

With the Word program it is very easy to carry out your work, it also has several interesting functions and tools that are an advantage such as the page orientation configuration. It is very likely that on certain occasions you will need to invert the page format to landscape or portrait , or to insert both styles of formats. For this reason, in this article we show you how you can combine orientations in your Word files.

Index(  )

  1. What is the regular method to change the orientation of your documents in Word?
    1. Using a Windows computer
    2. Doing it from the mobile application
  2. What do you need to do to change the orientation of a single page in my file?
    1. With the computer and its application
    2. In the mobile version
  3. How can you create an orientation pattern in your Word files?

What is the regular method to change the orientation of your documents in Word?

Word’s work tool is built into Microsoft Office programs . Being the most used worldwide. The toolbar allows you to work comfortably and giving a format to the document you are editing. One point to consider is the orientation when editing text in Word.

The Word tool brings a defined configuration structured as follows: letter-size sheet, in vertical order. But this does not mean that you cannot unformat text in Word and change the orientation of your documents . We present the regular method with which you can make the change of orientation.

Using a Windows computer

You can change the sheet position setting for a Word document to one page or all pages. This action is easy to execute. We will explain in detail how it is done using a Windows computer. The first thing is to know that in Word you will find two options, Horizontal and vertical orientation.

If you want to change the orientation of your document, you just have to open the text in question and click on the Format tab located on the toolbar . There you must click on the Configure page option and within it you will find Orientation. There you can change the orientation of the document, just click on Horizontal and this page format will be applied to the entire document immediately.

Doing it from the mobile application

Changing the orientation of your document in Word will allow you to better view the content, especially if it is a file with large images or tables. This configuration can also be done from the application of your mobile device. You can download the Word application from the virtual store . You can make the change while you’re writing the document.

You open the document on your mobile, click on Edit, which is the icon represented by a pencil and a letter, click on the Start menu and then on Design. There, you must touch the Orientation option and choose the orientation you want, Horizontal or vertical. Also, you can make the change just before printing your document.

To do this, click on the three horizontal lines and then on the File option. Next, click on Print and Orientation. There you will see the two options and proceed to touch the one you want your Word document to be displayed on. When you print the file, you will see how it is displayed in the selected format.

What do you need to do to change the orientation of a single page in my file?

The Word program allows you to adapt the format of your page to the content. In this sense, if you have a very large diagram or graphics, it is necessary to configure the orientation of the page so that it is perceived much better within the sheet, respecting the established margins. Most importantly, you can apply orientation to a single page or multiple pages in a Word file.

In this case we will show you how to change the orientation of a single page in your Word file to landscape . Using your computer or PC or you can also do it from the application of your cell phone.

With the computer and its application

To change the orientation of a single page of your file in Word, you need to do certain actions to apply the settings properly on the page you require. You proceed to select the text located on the page you want to change the orientation. Next, you need to click on the Format tab.

Within the Format tab you will find the Page Setup section, which you must select and then a text box is displayed with the two options, as what you want is to change that page to Horizontal, you choose that option. Then, click on Apply to, choose the Selected text option and click on OK.

In this way, that page will be displayed differently from the previous one, it will be in a horizontal position, as you have established it. You will have a Word file with vertical pages and one horizontal page. You can insert this setting according to the content of your file and apply it on some pages where you need it.

In the mobile version

From your mobile application, you can also change the orientation of a page without modifying the others. To do this, open the file, select the page text, and then click Edit. Then you must click on the Start menu and there choose the Design option.

There you will see the page setup box. Choose the Horizontal orientation and then scroll down and choose Apply to, check the box with the Selected Text option, to finish click OK and the changes will be applied.

How can you create an orientation pattern in your Word files?

If you want to use both landscape and portrait orientation in the same Word file, you can create an orientation pattern in your file so that Word can position the pages you select where you want to apply the different orientation. Therefore, you can do the following: You choose the pages you want to change their orientation. Click on Page Layout.

It will take you to the Page Setup box and select the proper orientation and then click Apply to Selected Text. In this way, Word will automatically make the page break before and after the text where the different orientation that you have configured is found. That way you can combine horizontal and vertical sheets in Word .