How to combine multiple tables in Excel

Part of Microsoft Office, Excel spreadsheet software is the calculation tool integrated by Microsoft that allows us to create and share calculation files quickly and easily.

However, for those who are starting to use it and are not familiar with it, it can be a bit complex to take advantage of all its functions. In case you want to learn how to combine several tables and concatenate them into one , we invite you to continue reading this article.

Index( )

  1. What steps should I follow to combine more than two tables into one?
  2. How to concatenate Excel tables into one?
    1. What formulas should I use?
    2. How do you know that it is correct?
  3. In what situations can I concatenate tables in Excel?
    1. Perform complex calculations
    2. They can combine different formats: text, numbers or functions
  4. In what scenarios is it useful for me to put together Excel tables?
    1. Create a relationship between tables
    2. Save time when consolidating data
  5. Is joining several tables the same as concatenating them?
  6. How can I join multiple Excel sheets into one?

What steps should I follow to combine more than two tables into one?

The fastest way to combine multiple tables is by copying the values ​​of one and pasting them below or next to (depending on the document we are preparing) the values ​​of the other.

However, the simplest difference in the format of the values ​​between tables can spoil the alignment . To combine tables and get a correct alignment we must follow these steps:

Let’s start by opening the document where we contain the tables that we want to combine. It is ideal that they are all on different sheets, but being part of the same file, however, in the opposite case it will also work.

Having this, we open a new sheet and go to the first cell. In the toolbar, we go to Data and there we select the Consolidate function.

This will break down a window in which a References box will appear . We must click on the right edge and from there we go to the sheets with the data that we are going to combine in a single table.

When selecting them with the mouse, the reference of that table will automatically be added and we give enter to continue. Likewise, we proceed with the data of the rest of the sheets until we have all the references .

In case they are not in the same document, we go to the Browse button , which guides us to the File Explorer to locate the one that keeps the data and carry out the same procedure.

Back in the Consolidate window, we mark the labels Top row and Left column, in addition to Create links with the source data.

In the upper area of ​​the window we find a box where the Sum function is , which can be changed depending on the one we need to implement . But in this case we will leave it as it is. Finally, we click OK to complete the process.

How to concatenate Excel tables into one?

The concatenate function is one of the Excel text functions that allows us to combine multiple strings to create a single text. You can use it by following these data.

What formulas should I use?

The formula to use this function would be the following: = CONCATENATE (text2; “”; text3). For example, if cell A2 has the word Game and C2 Clean, by concatenating them with this formula we would have Fair Game in a single cell .

How do you know that it is correct?

For the text to be copied correctly, we must remember to put two quotation marks, separated by a space between them, (or an &) in the middle of each argument, in addition to placing the semicolon as indicated above. Otherwise, the text elements will be copied without proper word spacing .

In what situations can I concatenate tables in Excel?

The concatenate function is not only used to join words, it is also used to perform calculations or combine multiple different formats.

Perform complex calculations

Excel allows us to perform complex calculations, usually placing each value in different boxes. With this function we can perform equations and place them in a single cell .

They can combine different formats: text, numbers or functions

The concatenate function allows us to combine text and numbers without losing the option of being used to perform operations .

In what scenarios is it useful for me to put together Excel tables?

It is possible to make use of the calculation tools that Microsoft offers us and relate tables, facilitating the work and reducing the time we invest in it. This method is presented to us for the following scenario:

Create a relationship between tables

With Excel we can create relationships between tables, analyze and compare their data using the relationships function quickly and easily.

Save time when consolidating data

We can save time by creating a data relationship by using an alternative to the manual method, in which we must consolidate data by data.

To begin with, we must have two or more tables in the same workbook and format the data in each one as a table. We must also assign them unique names that help us to differentiate them, from the toolbar, in Design and then in Table name.

From there we go to Data and select Relationships. Now we have to Manage relationships and go to a New one and continue in Create relationships and we must select a table from the list that we already have.

Then, we must make the relationship column by column , between those that have similar data (that is why we can only relate tables that have at least one column of values ​​of the same format). And once we have the relationship between each table and column, we click OK so that it returns the relationship.

Is joining several tables the same as concatenating them?

The function of concatenating and that of combining (or joining) Excel tables are very different . We resort to concatenating to create a text box with the values ​​of a table. On the other hand, we put together several tables to create a single one where all the information we need for a certain job is expressed.

How can I join multiple Excel sheets into one?

To join several sheets or files into one, we start by opening the file with the sheets that we want to join and we select the content of each one of them. We look for the Format option in the toolbar and open its pop-up window.

In it, we go to Move or copy sheet and there will appear another window where it is necessary to mark the book (new book) and the sheet to which we intend to send the data. We click on accept and a sheet will automatically be created with all the content.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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