How to collect quickly sold players in FIFA 22

Getting rid of a FIFA 22 Ultimate Team player can make the difference between a strong team and a last place on the leaderboards. Anyone who makes the mistake of accidentally selling a player in mode knows this pain better than anyone. Fortunately, there is a way to get them back. Here’s everything you need to know about how to collect fast-sold players in FIFA 22.

How to collect quickly sold players in FIFA 22

If you have removed a player from FIFA Ultimate Team, you must log into the Companion App or FIFA Web. Once here, select your club and navigate to the quick sale recall page.

Inside, you will be asked to select the date your item was sold using the calendar. Select the player item you want to collect and it will bring it back to your team.

To cancel a quick sale, it is important to note that you will need to have the same number of coins in your account as the player who sold. This means that if you sold someone for 250 coins, you must have that amount in your account to successfully collect them.

Once you have completed all of the above, go to the Unassigned tab and you will see the player return and the coins are deducted.

Time required: 1 minute.

How to collect fast sold players in FIFA 22:

  • Log in to the FIFA Web or Companion App.
  • To select club .
  • To select Quick Sales Recovery .
  • Quickly find the day your album sold using the calendar.

  • Select the player item you want to collect and it will bring it back to your team.

You must also have the same amount of coins in your account that was received by the player.

  • Go to the Unassigned tab and you will see the player return and the coins are deducted.

That’s all you need to know about how to collect fast-selling players in FIFA 22. For more tips and tricks, check out our wiki guide, which has all the guides you’ll need for the game.