How to close open or background apps on Android

Many times after closing open apps on Android or iPhone, they keep running in the background . This is counterproductive if you want to save battery or other services on your Android or iPhone device.

In this way, closing these applications permanently when you are no longer using them can bring advantages to your device. While the way to close apps running in the background varies a bit between Android devices and iOS devices, it’s just as easy and straightforward for both.

Well, it is possible to use functions such as force closing applications to save battery on Android devices such as iOS, as well as data. To make the device perform functions faster .

For this reason, we will show you a simple way to close open or background applications on Android or iPhone, so that you can take advantage of the many benefits of these options.

Close open or background apps on Android

Closing an application to prevent them from running in the background is simple, and you don’t have to use extra applications or third-party services, you just have to access the settings of your Android mobile device. The method that we will show you will allow you to close the applications you want .

In this way, you will be the one to decide which application will run in the background and which application will not. Once you have entered Settings you must go to the Applications section. Likewise, when you are there you must locate the application you want to close and hold down on it.

Once you do this, a small menu of options will be displayed and you must select “Force stop”. In this way, you will make the application stop running in the background once you have stopped using them and close them.

However, if you prefer to use third-party applications to close the ones that are running in the background. You can do this by accessing the applications that you can find in the Android application store Google Play Store . A good option for closing apps in the background is Greenify.

How to close open or background apps on Android or iPhone

Many people use the option to close applications that are running in the background on iPhone as an alternative way to save battery on a mobile with applications .

In this way, on iPhone devices, when returning to the home screen, certain applications do not close completely , but continue to run in the background. Being able to consume, in addition to the mobile battery, data or other services of the device.

To close the applications that are running in the background on your iOS device, you just have to slowly slide your finger from the bottom and the center of the home screen. Once you do, a list of the applications that are in the background will be displayed .

Then, you just have to press for a moment the application you want to close and select the close applications icon . This appears next to the application you want to close.

Is it good to close the apps running in the background on Android or iPhone?

There are several benefits that you can get after closing applications that are running in the background. However, if you want to prevent these from running to free up space in the RAM memory of Android or iPhone, you should know that it fills up again since the devices identify this as a waste of resources.

On the other hand, if you have an application that consumes data running in the background, as is the case with the Facebook application. This may lead to a much higher consumption of data on your device.

So closing the applications that consume data when they are running in the background not only allows you to save data , but also the battery of your mobile device.

However, that’s only a benefit if you close the apps that run in the background that you don’t use frequently . Otherwise, when you close an application that you frequent on your device, you make the system load the application from scratch


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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