How to close the open Instagram session on any device?

With Instagram and the main social networks in the world, something very special usually happens, and since we want to always be connected to them, many times we usually log into these platforms in different places, forgetting them .

This is a real problem when we use third-party devices and if we don’t close those sessions, we may find that our security will depend on someone else, a situation that it simply shouldn’t fall into.

Well, we have to say in this sense that among the many Intagram content that users usually log in to on other devices are stories , so today’s tutorial can be very useful if you notice that this usually happens to you .

The next step therefore represents the simplest trick that exists in case you have opened your account on a device and then don’t remember if you have closed it , so that someone can enter your posts, messages, etc.

How to close all my Instagram sessions remotely

Well, the best thing about the step by step we will teach you next is that not only will you have the ability to close all your Instagram sessions in a second, but you can also do it remotely , without having to have these devices in your hands. Follow these steps:

  • Enter your Instagram account as usual on your mobile device
  • Go to your profile and within it access the drop-down menu of the three lines located in the upper right corner
  • Once the menu has been displayed, you need to go to the cogwheel which allows you to access the Settings
  • Inside, go to Password
  • The system will ask you to enter your current password, but also a new password, so go through this process
  • In no time you will be able to change your old Instagram password to a new one

When you have finished the previous step step by step, you can be completely sure that all open sessions of your Instagram account will be closed , even if you have forgotten them open on other various devices.

Unfortunately, unless you have access to those other devices, there is no other way to close the Instagram session on them other to perform this step by step, so whenever you have any doubts about it, you we recommend that you do so.

Even change the Instagram passwords occasionally can be a good security solution also when you have no doubt that you left open session on any other device.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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