Where are Overwatch highlights saved and how to change the folder

When talking about multiplayer shooting games of the moment you will surely think of games like free fire, league of legends, or fortnite , and it is normal, since they are one of the most popular games of the moment.

These have a high number of users who currently play it and who even participate in tournaments that are still being developed for these games. However, there is a game that was well known at its launch and managed to attract the attention of millions of players, we are talking about Overwatch .

What is the Overwatch game about?

Overwatch is a team multiplayer shooter type game, in which you will have to choose from a wide repertoire of powerful heroes who each have specific skills and ways of fighting.

One of the most chosen characters is genji, it should be noted that it is one of the most difficult characters to master , so you should learn to use genji to make the most of it before deciding to use it in an online game and want to level up .

Although this game is still available and today it still maintains a considerable number of people who continue to feel a great appreciation for it, considering it even one of the best multiplayer team shooter games , it does not compare to the great impact that had its launch among young people in 2016.

Regardless of the constant competition that exists in this type of genre, Overwatch has not stopped creating patches of updates , integrating new skins to be able to customize our characters, different game modes, and new functions within the game, which facilitate us in the execution of various actions that are desired, a clear example can be the function of being able to see the best moments, in patch 1.13.02 of July 2017 .

What are featured plays for?

The option to see the highlighted plays does not really add anything in terms of gameplay, but it became an addition that ended up being a total success in the Overwatch public , this option allows the successful play that the user has had to be recorded and appear in a menu that offers the same top 5 game today, which can be seen by all players, and which will be deleted after 24 hours or until a next patch.

Players may be able to record a maximum of 12 seconds of the plays they consider remarkable, simply by pressing a button in the middle of the game, this option can be done on Xbox One, PS4 consoles and even on PC, in the case Of this last system the outstanding plays will remain saved until the next patch, you can also export the video at 4K resolution and 60 FPS in the case of having Windows 10 or Windows 8 .

Where are Overwatch highlights saved and how to change the folder?

The problem with this function for users who use a computer as a means to play Overwatch is that they tend to not know the location of said folder where the videos of the highlighted plays that they have wanted to record are saved, if this is your case, no worry more, we will give you a brief explanation of where to find the folder that contains the featured plays on your computer.

  1. You will first have to close the Overwatch game application
  2. Go to the Windows menu by pressing its icon on the keyboard, or by locating it in the toolbar on the screen and clicking it
  3. Type % Documents% in your start menu and then hit enter
  4. Then find the file “Settings_v0.ini” and open it with notepad
  5. When opening it, it looks inside the text for the section [MovieExport.1] , if it doesn’t find it, you will have to create it manually in the final part of the document
  6. Below the line [MovieExport.1] you will have to add the following text: VideoPath = “XXX” (Replace the X found in quotation marks with the destination path of the computer where you want the videos of the highlighted plays to be stored by default)
  7. Save the changes and run the game


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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