How to clear commands history

What is a command history? The command history is the saved list where all the commands you have performed on your system are stored , whether to create accesses, add profiles, go to small keyboard shortcuts on your computer and much more.

From a command line you can launch a large part of the functions that a PC offers, the best thing about these commands is that they are executed from the internal interface of the system , that is, a history is created.

Without a doubt, the commands have been an excellent shortcut when it comes to saving time when working on a computer or making different shortcuts, but how to see that history?

How to see the commands made in the system? To help you answer these unknowns, we invite you to continue reading as we will show you how to find and eliminate them if you wish.

Clear command history with a keyboard shortcut

Being able to see and execute the commands saved in the history can be of great help, because you can recover any of those commands made , just by pressing the up arrow you will be able to see each of them, but if you only want to delete them, what should you do?

To help you a little to free that history we will give you some tips that will help you erase the command history , and the best part is that you can do it using a keyboard shortcut.

To delete the famous command history, you just have to press the ” Alt + F7 ” key, the entire list of commands performed by the system will automatically be deleted. And to check it you can press the up and down keys inside the cmd history window.

However, if you want to learn how to view and save the command history, pay close attention because we will teach you how to do it in a simple way.

Save and view the command history of your system by following these steps

The command line is a super useful tool that is presented in Windows versions 7, 8 and 10, this is because it is capable of replacing many third-party programs , this means that it is a tool that helps you with the partitions of your hard drive, either MBR or GPT partitions .

It also allows you to create a bootable USB drive, update each BIOS file and many more advantages that will help you keep your computer in full working order to see your commands, you can follow this option:

Enter the series of commands and then enter the same window as the series of saved commands, just by pressing the up and down arrow keys you will see all the commands performed in the system.

If you can not display the commands do not worry, because the window may expire by the large number of commands made to the system and to solve this problem so you just have to close the command window and open it again .

Saving the commands can also be a very good card up your sleeve, as it will allow you to make shortcuts and organize the files on your Windows computer easily and immediately. To save these commands you can do it by following two steps:

  1. Enter in the command window.
  2. Add this code “ doskey / HISTORY & gt; SampleHistory.txt ”.
  3. Press ” Enter ” and voila, your commands will be saved safely.

After performing these steps, your command list will be automatically saved in the system. Your system will make a backup by saving the commands . Now you can apply those commands whenever you want.

We know that not many people know the great benefits that commands offer, and if you are one of them, with this article you can see how useful they can be, with them you can avoid loading your computer with unnecessary applications .

We hope you have discovered an easier way to use, save and delete your command history, now you can greatly improve the performance of your Windows computer . Now, let’s get to work!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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