How to check the balance of the Omonel Soriana card – Check bonuses and benefits

Today, Soriana offers lots of different bonuses and benefits to its users through its many services that seek the total satisfaction of each one. Among these services and benefits is the Omonel Soriana card, a card that is quite comfortable to use for frequent users of Soriana.

How to Check the Balance of the Omonel Soriana Card – Check Bonuses and Benefits

Actually, it ends up being a much easier opportunity to obtain products and services in its branches around the country, once the person has in their hands the famous Omonel Soriana card , they begin to manage a balance that is previously specified. This banking service is so effective that you can even check your payroll through Soriana .

And, as usual, the user then has to correctly manage their balance through the purchases they make, although it is possible to recharge the balance through Soriana’s web services.

Just by entering the web portal and being able to recharge and see the balance of the card, it is enough for more than one user, but this card comes with different extra benefits .

However, when the user obtains his card, it is always recommended that the user activate the card as soon as possible and register all the data correctly on his website. And you can even change your PIN in Soriana in a very easy way.

This makes handling the card easier and thus the user can carry out all transactions in Soriana branches with confidence. And, about this we are going to talk to you next; just follow the following tutorial so that you can make all the inquiries about the bonuses and benefits that come with the use of this particular card.

Checking the balance of Omonel Soriana

If you are a user of the Omonel Soriana card, start the task of registering all the data correctly. Very likely when you have obtained the card, they will give you instructions on how to do it, which is an extremely simple process.

But, in order to quickly check the balance of the card on the official website, you must do a little extra task: register a user on it. Just log in and go through the typical registration process, and once you’ve done it, you can start managing your card on the website.

But you must bear in mind that you also need to have a personal password, but this will be obtained once you carry out the user registration process on the page, remembering that if you have lost your username, you can click on the option that you forgot the password. user when you go to login.

Pantry voucher benefits

As we said at the beginning, the benefits that come with using the Omonel Soriana card are many, but one of the most attractive is often the grocery vouchers. These pantry vouchers give you access to different producers and services in the Soriana branches.

If you are not familiar with these vouchers, they are some kinds of points that you accumulate whenever you make a purchase at a Soriana branch, and once you have enough vouchers you can exchange them for different products and services.

You have probably been accumulating points for months and you want to know how many you have, which is also a fairly simple process. If you have followed the instructions in the previous point and you already have a user within the Soriana page, all you have to do is enter and among the query options see the option where you specify the food vouchers.

You can do it in a couple of minutes and it is almost the same as checking the same balance, you just have to log in and go directly to the balance inquiries, which would leave you with the simple task of spending those accumulated points with patience


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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