Associating a password to the user account in use on the computer is always a good idea. This allows you to avoid unauthorized access to the account itself and, consequently, to the data relating to it. Windows 10 , the famous operating system from Microsoft, automatically proposes, at the time of the first configuration of the computer and every time a new local user account is created, the entry of a special secret word. The same thing is done when you create a Microsoft account, which is essential to access the services offered by the famous Redmond company but also to access the PC starting from the previous version of the OS.
Over time, however, it could happen that you have second thoughts about the chosen password and therefore want to change it, perhaps going to set a more secure one and if you are now here and are reading this tutorial of mine it seems clear to me that you too , as well as many other users, you have this need.
How do you say? Things exactly in this way but being still little expert in IT and new technologies you don’t have the slightest idea how to do it? Don’t worry, I’ll explain how to change Windows 10 passwords , it’s much easier to do than to say, I assure you. Find everything explained below.
- How to change Windows 10 password
- Local user account
- Microsoft user account
- How to change Windows 10 graphical password
- How to change your Windows 10 PIN
- How to change your forgotten Windows 10 password
- Account locale
- Account Microsoft
- How to change Windows 10 administrator password
- How to change Windows 10 password hint
- How to change Windows 10 WiFi password
How to change Windows 10 password
Are you interested in understanding how to change the classic Windows 10 password for your local or Microsoft account? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find below and you will see that in a few minutes you will be able to cope with it.
Local user account
If you want to change the “classic” password associated with your local user account on Windows 10, the first fundamental step you need to take is to click on the Start button attached to the taskbar, start the Settings application (the icon of the gear ) and then click on the Account item in the screen that is shown to you.
Now, select the entry Options from the sidebar, locate the word Password on the right, click on it and press the Edit button below.
Then type the password currently in use in the Current password field and press the Next button at the bottom, enter the new password you want to use in the New password and Confirm new password fields , type a hint that in case of any forgetfulness it will be useful for remember the secret word you have chosen and then click on Next . To conclude, click on Finish .
Note: If, when typing the password for the local user account you intend to change, you see a message appearing indicating that it has been entered incorrectly, make sure that CAPS LOCK is disabled.
Alternatively, you can change the Windows 10 password from prompt . How? I’ll explain it to you immediately! First launch the Command Prompt, whose Quick Launch icon is in the Start menu . Once this is done, type the string in the Prompt screen net user [nomeutente] *indicating the username of the local Windows 10 account in place of [username] .
Then press the Enter key and you will be instructed to type the new password . Enter it and then press the Enter key . Re-type the previously entered password and press the Enter key to confirm the password change.
Microsoft user account
Do you use a Microsoft account on your PC and would like to understand how to change the Windows 10 password in this case? I’ll point it out to you right away. However, keep in mind that, in this specific circumstance, the changes you are going to make will not only affect the computer in use but also the Microsoft account in general and any other services and devices associated with it.
That said, to change the password the first step you need to take is to click the Start button on the taskbar and then launch the Settings application (the gear icon ). Then click on the Account item in the screen you see.
Then select the Login Options item on the left side of the screen displayed, press the Edit button on the right are the wording Password and indicate how you intend to receive the verification code using the options on the screen, then press the Next button at the bottom and enter the verification code you received.
If you already have a verification code, you can select the link I have a code at the bottom, type it in the appropriate field displayed and press the Next button .
At this point, fill in the first attached field in the on-screen window by entering the password currently in use for your Microsoft account and then enter the new password that you intend to use in the other two empty fields below. Then click on the Next button and to conclude, click on Finish . Done!
As an alternative to the above procedure, you can also change the Outlook password on Windows 10 (i.e. the Microsoft account) via the Web panel : log in with your Microsoft account (the same one associated with your PC), click on the items Security and Change password and verify your identity using the security method set. At this point enter the old password and the new one and then press the Save button to confirm.
How to change Windows 10 graphical password
If instead of the standard password you want to find out how to change the graphics associated with your user account (both local and Microsoft) on Windows 10, all you have to do is go to the Start menu, too , start the application Settings (the gear icon ) and click on Account in the window you see appear on your desktop.
Now, select the word Access options from the sidebar, press the Edit button that you find under the word Graphic password on the right, type your current standard password, click OK and choose whether to use the current image or select a new one by clicking on the appropriate buttons on the left.
Once this is done, draw the three new movements you intend to use on the image by clicking on it and, continuing to hold down, dragging the pointer each time. Repeat the procedure just seen together again (or click on the Restart button on the left to start all over again if you made some mistakes) presses the Finish button on the left and it’s done.
How to change your Windows 10 PIN
If you want, you can also change the PIN you have chosen to associate with your user account (both local and Microsoft) on Windows 10 to protect your PC from unauthorized access. To do this, always go to the Start menu , start the Settings application (the gear icon ) and presses the word Account in the window on the screen.
Then select the entry Options from the left side of the window, press the Edit button under the wording PIN on the right and enter the current PIN in the first field and the one with which you want to replace it in the other two fields below, then press on the OK button to confirm and apply the changes.
How to change your forgotten Windows 10 password
Have you forgotten your account password on Windows 10 and would like to understand how to recover it or, in extreme cases, to change it, so that you can access it again? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find below. This is feasible for both local and Microsoft accounts.
Account locale
If you find yourself in front of the Windows 10 login screen relating to your user account and want to find out how to change the forgotten password of the same, the first thing you can do is to type the password incorrectly in the appropriate field on the screen and press then the arrow key on the right or the Enter key on the keyboard.
By doing so, you will see, at the bottom of the screen, the suggestion you previously set regarding the chosen password which technically should help you to recover the secret word associated with your account. Then log in and change your password as seen in the previous steps .
Alternatively, if the suggestion did not help you remember your password, click on Reset password and answer the questions that are shown on the screen: these questions are the ones you set during the installation of Windows 10 in case which I needed to recover the password of the local account. After answering correctly, you will be presented with the form to type in the new password.
If in the ways indicated so far you still can’t remember the password for your account and therefore you can’t even change it, the only thing you can do to deal with the situation is to reset your PC. However, keep in mind that doing so will remove all your data, programs and computer settings (and unless you have previously created a backup they will be irretrievably lost) and, of course, you will be asked to create a new one. account with a new associated password.
To do this, click on the Shutdown button located in the bottom right corner of the login screen and while holding the Shift key on your computer keyboard choose the Reboot system option from the menu that opened. If you see a warning that you and other people using your computer may lose your saved work after restarting, click the Restart anyway button .
In the boot options menu that you will later see appear, select Troubleshoot , press Reset your PC and click Remove all . Once this is done, your computer will automatically restart and reset.
Account Microsoft
If you want to know how to reset your forgotten password on Windows 10 , all you have to do is open the web browser from any other computer and connect to the password reset page .
Once this is done, enter the e-mail address associated with your Microsoft account in the field at the top and press the Next button . Verify your identity by choosing how you prefer to receive the security code, then press Get the code and type the code obtained in the appropriate field. Then press on Next and enter the new password you want to use in the New password and Confirm password fields on the screen, then press Next again for two more times in a row and it’s done.
If you are unable to access your email address or reference phone number when you are asked to choose an option to receive the security code, you will need to verify your identity by other means. For more info on this, you can refer to my dedicated tutorial, in fact, on how to recover Microsoft account through which I proceeded to talk to you about the matter in great detail.
How to change Windows 10 administrator password
If your intent is to change the Windows 10 administrator password , you must know that the procedure to be implemented is the same as I indicated at the beginning of this guide. In fact, the local account or the Microsoft account is the same as the Administrator account.
Obviously, in case there are multiple users associated with the Windows 10 PC, the Administrator password must be changed for that user with those system privileges. Therefore, you cannot change the password of an Administrator account with an account with lower privileges.
In any case, I refer you to reading the information I indicated in this chapter , in order to be able to change the password for both the local user and the Microsoft one.
How to change Windows 10 password hint
Did you realize that the tip to remember the Windows 10 local user password is unclear to you? Well in this case you have to run for cover immediately and change that suggestion, so that you can easily remember the password in case you have a memory gap.
To do this, start the Settings application (the gear icon ) found in the Start menu and select the Accounts and Login options items . Once this is done, locate the Password entry and click on it. Now click on the Change button and enter the current password of your user account.
All you have to do is enter the same password previously entered in the New password and Confirm password fields (if you want to keep the same password, otherwise choose another one) and then fill in the Password hint field . Finally, click on Next and Finish to complete the operation.
How to change Windows 10 WiFi password
If you usually connect to a Wi-Fi network with your Windows 10 PC, to which you have now changed the access password , know that the operating system, at the first attempt to access the Wi-Fi network, will notify you that it is not possible to connect, except by entering the new password first.
All you have to do, therefore, is to type the new password in the appropriate box of the Wi-Fi network access window, as I explained to you in this tutorial of mine .
Alternatively, if you want to change the password to a Wi-Fi network you are connected to, launch the Control Panel , typing its name in the Windows 10 Search field (the magnifying glass icon on the taskbar). Once this is done, select the item Network and Sharing Center and press on the name of the network , next to the word Connections .
Then click on the Wireless Properties button and, in the Security tab , activate the Show characters box . In the Network security key field , type the new password and then press the OK button . From this moment on, the PC will connect to the Wi-Fi network in question only with the new password.