How to change my file permissions in Linux?

All operating systems for computers and even cell phones have a certain amount of security for programs or applications. This security on the applications or programs is more than anything so that functions or certain actions that you have not allowed are not executed.

The same thing happens in the case of files, Linux works with a certain number of permissions for each of the users or owners of the computer. Next, we are going to show you how these permissions work and what configurations can be made with Linux permissions. Apart from this, we will show you what commands you have to use to access the permission settings.

Index(  )

  1. What is the way file owners and permissions work in Linux?
  2. What kind of configurations can be done with Linux permissions?
  3. What are the commands you should use to configure permissions and owners?
    1. Using the ‘chmod’ command
    2. By running ‘chown’

What is the way file owners and permissions work in Linux?

Linux file permissions are very comprehensive and work or are enforced in at least three parts. Such three parts are the ‘Read’, ‘Write’ and of course the ‘Execute’. These are the three actions in which Linux always imposes restrictions depending on the type of user you are.

The ‘Read’ permission is one that almost all Linux users have on their computer. Thanks to this permission, any user can read certain documents , open audio files, open images and browse certain folders, even if that is not their user account.

What it has to do with the ‘Write’ permission is everything that is related to the edition or creation of a file within the user account. If you have this permission, the person will be able to edit images, edit documents, move files from one place to another and do many other things, even if that is not your user account.

The last permission is ‘Execute’, which is related to the installation of programs or changes within the computer . When you have this permission, the person can make changes to the computer’s configuration, install programs, delete programs and much more, even if that is not your user account.

By the way, if you have a wired internet connection and want to share it with other devices wirelessly, you can choose to create a home network with your computer .

What kind of configurations can be done with Linux permissions?

When absolutely each of the permissions mentioned above are counted, it is possible to install programs, change the name of the computer, delete files, change the user’s photo, etc. These are just some of the things that can be done by having full permissions on the Linux computer.


To tell the truth, there are many configurations that can be carried out in Linux by having all the permissions, but we will not mention all of them. Before we said that, if you have all the permissions on the computer, there is the possibility of installing programs. Well, if you want, you can install DaVinci , a program that helps you with video editing.

One way to test if you have all the permissions on the computer is to try to install a program that could be useful to us. It should be noted that there is a good reason to use Linux and that is that said system is faster and more secure .

However, leaving this aside, you already know clearly what are certain of the things that are achieved by having all the permissions on Linux . What follows now is to show you what are the commands to use to configure the permissions in the Linux system.

What are the commands you should use to configure permissions and owners?

If you are not the official owner of the equipment, it is obvious that you will not have each of the permissions on the computer. However, you don’t need to worry about this kind of thing, as there are commands you can use to set things like Linux permissions.

There are a total of two commands which you can use to grant your own user account all permissions on the computer .

Using the ‘chmod’ command

The first command that you can use to configure what is related to system permissions and what the owners are is ‘chmod’. This command has to be pasted into the ‘Command Prompt’ window or it can be pasted into the ‘Terminal’ window.

By running ‘chown’

Another command to use to modify things related to team permissions is ‘chown’. If the ‘chmod’ command doesn’t help you, then opt to use the ‘chown’ command instead. In case you have problems changing file permissions and settings in Linux, you can use the Linalco website .

Linalco is the page that is responsible for dealing with the problems that Linux users have . On that website there is information about all the problems that the system presents.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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