How To change Microsoft Teams to dark mode?

The great reception that the dark mode has had for applications today has been one of the best, thanks to this function that many of the large companies have begun to use has generated that many people use it to reduce the amount of light that is perceives and reduces eye fatigue.

Microsoft was not far behind and also began to use it to its full extent and for Teams it was not insignificant that it was presented to drastically reduce the light emitted by it. If you learn how to change browser dark mode , you will also learn how to do it in Microsoft Teams easily.

Index( )

  1. What factor is of importance before switching Microsoft Teams to dark mode?
    1. Verify that you have the updated version of the program
  2. What are the differences of putting dark mode and high contrast theme in Teams?
  3. How do you put Microsoft Teams in dark mode?
    1. From the desktop site
    2. Do it on a mobile device

What factor is of importance before switching Microsoft Teams to dark mode?

Teams, being the platform that Microsoft gives us for communication and teamwork that supports more in the professional field of companies, allows us to be connected with different users as if we were in meetings by activating the video camera of the PC or mobile.

However, when sitting down working with documents for long hours, your eyes may tire due to its high luminescence due to the white background it has, to avoid this, Microsoft has implemented the use of dark mode to reduce this excessive amount of light that can to transmit

Let’s keep in mind that the dark mode comes to benefit the user by reducing the amount of light that a screen emits and that we do not suffer from visual problems. In addition, this function is so great that we can change it in our Outlook, Gmail or Hotmail emails.

Verify that you have the updated version of the program

In order for us to change the dark mode of Microsoft Teams, we must take into account its update, which must be in the most recent one . This will give you better options on the platform when using Teams and better compatibility with application files.

What are the differences of putting dark mode and high contrast theme in Teams?

For those who do not know, Windows has a mode very similar to the dark mode called High Contrast Theme that we can use , this function that can be very interesting can help us visualize and move better on our computer and in our browsers if we know how to use and customize colors from our computer.

The big difference between the high contrast function and the dark mode is that the first one can reach the entire computer system, that is, browsers, folders and all the applications on the computer will be changed to a darker style with a contrast where the letters can be white and the background black depending on how you configure them.

Instead, the dark mode only affects the page that we are using. For example, if we learn how to activate YouTube’s dark mode , we will see that it will only be applied on that page. However, with high contrast mode both that page and the entire system will be affected.

How do you put Microsoft Teams in dark mode?

If you spend many hours in front of your computer screen and would like to be more in dark mode doing work at night and take care of the high amount of light that monitors emit when in normal mode. Here we will show you how to put Microsoft Teams in dark mode and return to its normal form on both mobile and computers.

From the desktop site

From home or work, you can change the simple look of Teams to dark mode. First we will have to be using Teams for this and click on the icon of our profile and then choose the settings in the displayed menu.

Already within the settings we will go to general and accept the dark option that will appear and Microsoft Teams will turn completely black. It is right here in the General option of the app where we can choose if we want to use the high contrast mode to make it darker.

Do it on a mobile device

Not only can we make it switch to dark mode from the computer, on mobile devices we can also make this change . To do so, we must have the application in use and access the settings by entering our profile picture.

After entering, we will go to the General options of the application and we will go to enable the dark mode option and accept that if we want to proceed with the change, accepting that Teams will close and open automatically. If you want to disable it  and go back to how it was before , you will do the same steps and disable the option in the same way it was activated.
